Well...they set up the parking like they do when ya tie a horse up...And they move around alot....so...no lines.
Congratulations Redgator! It is always cool following you're posts. Montana is a beautiful state aint it? Big as all get out, densely populated in one area, then not a soul for 50 miles! You can literally go from city to boondocks within a 20 mile radius in that state. I spent a LOT of time in Montana, it's where my truck broke down (again) just outside of Billings Montana. Cost me a 2300 mile load, I was none too pleased about that. Spent four days in my truck until it got repaired (had to drive to a random tractor dealer to get parts) and froze my arse off in the middle of August! So I had good times and bad times in that state. I do remember I stopped at a burrito truck at one of the truck stops...delicous!
Since Im usually all east coast the unpopulated WEST was a welcome change. Now cell service sucked. I make it through my day talking to folks. I saved a crap load of money. Being on the turnpike I stop every time I see a Starbucks or Aunt Annies I get tunnel vision. And parking out West is beautiful. Lots of choice EXCEPT the lines. What the heck happened to all the lines?
I had to laugh at the Starbucks line...you sound like me, when I was on 80 west or east (which was a lot) they had travel stops with the green queen (aka Starbucks) and I would make a beeline for one. I did not like the coffee at the truck stops, and for that reason I got a small coffee maker and made it in the truck every morning, I could fix it the way I liked and it always came out good. But when I got a chance to go to Starbucks, it was on! I would load up on the coffee beans. Now back at home, my coffee tastes have changed (I'm a Peet's guy now, or any independent coffee shop I can find) but those were good times at the green queen. And I do remember the cell phone service in Montana sucked, I couldn't even send text messages sometimes. Lines at truck stops out West were definitely a problem for me, and in California, seems like there is a shortage of truck stops, especially on the 80 corridor. Normally for me, if I wasn't stopped by 6, it was a done deal.
Operating While Intoxicated
Well...they set up the parking like they do when ya tie a horse up...And they move around alot....so...no lines.
Ya know I dont know nothing bout tying a horse but I need some damn lines
James Ive only seen California in the movies! Lol But those service plazas on 80 in OH are my best friend; )
James Ive only seen California in the movies! Lol But those service plazas on 80 in OH are my best friend; )
CA doesn't have those service plazas.
On 80 and on 5 in CA there is way too few truck stops. CA really isn't as beautiful as the movies make it out to be. I don't think you're missing out on much. Besides, the Grape Vine is terrible. And Donners Pass is absolute hell on earth in the winter. It's like 40 miles of constant downgrades.
James Ive only seen California in the movies! Lol But those service plazas on 80 in OH are my best friend; )
CA doesn't have those service plazas.
On 80 and on 5 in CA there is way too few truck stops. CA really isn't as beautiful as the movies make it out to be. I don't think you're missing out on much. Besides, the Grape Vine is terrible. And Donners Pass is absolute hell on earth in the winter. It's like 40 miles of constant downgrades.
I just wanna see once and thats it. I can imagine 55 the whole state and Id be jumping out of my skin!
James Ive only seen California in the movies! Lol But those service plazas on 80 in OH are my best friend; )
CA doesn't have those service plazas.
On 80 and on 5 in CA there is way too few truck stops. CA really isn't as beautiful as the movies make it out to be. I don't think you're missing out on much. Besides, the Grape Vine is terrible. And Donners Pass is absolute hell on earth in the winter. It's like 40 miles of constant downgrades.
I just wanna see once and thats it. I can imagine 55 the whole state and Id be jumping out of my skin!
Yeah the sped limit is a joke. I absolutely hate it. I've noticed that like 75% of the trucks still go like 60 though.
California is very scenic, but it's definitely not all palm trees and beaches like they make it to be in the movies. Especially where I live in the Bay Area, we have a lot of scenic areas and backroads. Plus we have the coolest bridge ever, the Golden Gate. And along the 5 and 80 there are very few truck stops, and they fill up quickly. California was the one state where I actually hated driving, because of that lame 55 mph speed limit. I never followed that speed limit, I used to always run 60, even when I went into Oregon, they've got the same speed limit. And I never realized how bad drivers were in this state until I got behind the wheel of a truck. Talk about bad drivers! The ones on 880 and the 5 in Southern California were the worst! I won't even get into the time I got lost in Long Beach looking for a receiver....
Haha!!! I been to long Beach one time and I got lost badly that time. I was delivering a Cargill load to them. Junky looking warehouse that was right under an overpass so it was hard to see as you drove on the road. Maybe this was the same place that you're talking about?
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Since Im usually all east coast the unpopulated WEST was a welcome change. Now cell service sucked. I make it through my day talking to folks. I saved a crap load of money. Being on the turnpike I stop every time I see a Starbucks or Aunt Annies I get tunnel vision. And parking out West is beautiful. Lots of choice EXCEPT the lines. What the heck happened to all the lines?
Operating While Intoxicated