What's the old saying? Like flies to honey? Get nasty Rainy and they'll leave you alone. Works for me...
Get your rig up to highway speed and do a hard stop. The flies will hit the windshield and die.
That's a good idea Bill!
I remember as a kid we had a relative who would plow his field with a team of mules. He would wear these old overalls that had two large buttons on the back that when unbuttoned would open up the back side where they covered your buttocks. He would always plow with that back flap opened. I thought it was to give his lower parts a little fresh air while he was toiling in the sun.
One day my curiosity got the best of me so I inquired what the reason was for that extra exposure out there in those dusty fields. His straight faced simple response was, "It keep the flies out of my face son!"
So, do what you want with that advice Rainy. It comes from a good honest hardworking man who dealt with his problems in a simple yet straightforward way.
Thanks y'all. I really needed the humor today.
Get nasty Rainy
G.......Those are 3 words you should never say to Rainy........now you've done it!!!!!!!
Get nasty Rainy
G.......Those are 3 words you should never say to Rainy........now you've done it!!!!!!!
Hahhaha..... I've been nasty. I'm tempted to pay the driver next to me to drop his pants so I can open the doors and have the flies go to him. Hahahha
That's a good idea Bill!
I remember as a kid we had a relative who would plow his field with a team of mules. He would wear these old overalls that had two large buttons on the back that when unbuttoned would open up the back side where they covered your buttocks. He would always plow with that back flap opened. I thought it was to give his lower parts a little fresh air while he was toiling in the sun.
One day my curiosity got the best of me so I inquired what the reason was for that extra exposure out there in those dusty fields. His straight faced simple response was, "It keep the flies out of my face son!"
So, do what you want with that advice Rainy. It comes from a good honest hardworking man who dealt with his problems in a simple yet straightforward way.
Thanks old school.... now my butt is all itchy. That's sooo lady like hahhah
Between Bill and Old School I'm dying hahaha
Hmm...bug zapper for the truc . I wonder if that's possible....oh the ideas.
By the way, yes, I am from the south. :D
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Went to an egg customer in Iowa... omg...they made me get out of my truck where a swarm of flies attacked me. The guy came and knocked on my door. and I was like "no.....please don't make me open this door.... they'll get in" He laughed. I was sorta kidding.
I'm not talking a few flies. ... I'm talking hundreds around and IN the truck. I felt like the priest from Amityville. . Was waiting for a ghostly voice to shout "geeeeeetttttttt ooooooouuuutttttt"
Spent the night swatting at the damn flies... don't want to eat in my truck now..have to clean the kitty litter five times more. The cat is hiding in my cubby hole afraid of the flies.
Hoping flying j has some fly paper or better yet a freaking bug zapper.
Soooo..... what is the life expectancy of a fly. 15 days right? They must already be about 4 days old to be flying adults... so if I have to put up wits this for another 10 days .. I think prime should charge additional freight costs for transporting the flies to denver.
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