Harry, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but when you get in school they will probably have cones set up to help you see exactly where you need to be putting the truck while practicing these maneuvers. Don't worry if you run over the cones at first, we've all been guilty of killing a few cones during our training.
Harry, I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but when you get in school they will probably have cones set up to help you see exactly where you need to be putting the truck while practicing these maneuvers. Don't worry if you run over the cones at first, we've all been guilty of killing a few cones during our training.
Hmmmm....I did step on a cone once during training
As far as a "marking" or estimating where to start maneuvering into the box, it depends on the length of your trailer, mostly. A good uniform guide (if the lot has them) are parking space markings (usually 12 feet wide). Maybe two or three spaces out from a 90 for instance (being able to see the rear tire perpendicular to the lines).
The others are based more on mirror monitoring more than marking.
People find their own ways (the manual gives specs on course set up too). Most students I met liked to do a really long gradual turn, but I figured that would give me more room for error, so I minimized that aspect.
I mean, room for error is generally a good thing, but when backing it can work against you (and allow more time for people or whatever to get in your way).
I didn't get to kill any cones when I went to my 4 day CDL school...so when I got out on the road, I got to kill SCHNEIDER EGGS !!!!
I'm sure some olf crusty trucker knows what those are....The big ones are "eggs" the little ones are sperm. ..
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If I offended anyone, I sincerely apologize...I just got over a 2 day migraine..And I'm kinda ....well....wierd. Everyone in the house is avoiding me....heck, I"m even avoiding myself. Note to self, when a migraine hits, limit the showers to 3 per day....being pruney is really disgusting.
Glad to hear that you are back in the mood...
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Hey guys hope all is well with all of. My fellow truckers. I have a question for those who might know. On the parking maneuvers what would be the marks to hit in order to put the truck in the correct spot ie. Alley dock,parallel ,and off set. Thanks, Harry W.
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