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Gladhand's Comment
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I miss the dry and cold mountain air. This hot humid air is not for me. I don't know if I'm sweating or if it's the humidity and to top it all off I'm still getting complaints about my idling Cold mountain air I miss you, until you start snowing.


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Rob S.'s Comment
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I feel your pain. I'm from Western Oregon. Not much extreme weather. We tell people that it rains a lot but that just so they don't move there. I honestly don't understand why people stay where the weather is so terrible. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, why stay? BTW if I left the northwest, Albuquerque would be home.

Gladhand's Comment
member avatar

I feel your pain. I'm from Western Oregon. Not much extreme weather. We tell people that it rains a lot but that just so they don't move there. I honestly don't understand why people stay where the weather is so terrible. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, why stay? BTW if I left the northwest, Albuquerque would be home.

Home is home. I suppose. Thats why people stay. You guys got volcano up there, but same goes for new mexico if Yellowstone goes haha. I like Oregon nice and wooded with big open fields as well. Everyone romanticizes Washington when they talk about the northwest, but I like Oregon more. I don't like albuquerque, but thats just me. I can see myself living in Idaho in the future though. I like idaho falls.

Barry Y. ( Watchd0g)'s Comment
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I miss the dry and cold mountain air. This hot humid air is not for me. I don't know if I'm sweating or if it's the humidity and to top it all off I'm still getting complaints about my idling Cold mountain air I miss you, until you start snowing.

Quit Idling... LOL. Yea Swift likes to send those messages. I usually reply to them with a message saying install APUs.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.

Gladhand's Comment
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I miss the dry and cold mountain air. This hot humid air is not for me. I don't know if I'm sweating or if it's the humidity and to top it all off I'm still getting complaints about my idling Cold mountain air I miss you, until you start snowing.


Quit Idling... LOL. Yea Swift likes to send those messages. I usually reply to them with a message saying install APUs.

Yeah I don't care. It's still hot down here in the south and if I got to sit I am going to idle.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.


Operating While Intoxicated


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.


Auxiliary Power Unit

On tractor trailers, and APU is a small diesel engine that powers a heat and air conditioning unit while charging the truck's main batteries at the same time. This allows the driver to remain comfortable in the cab and have access to electric power without running the main truck engine.

Having an APU helps save money in fuel costs and saves wear and tear on the main engine, though they tend to be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore only a very small percentage of the trucks on the road today come equipped with an APU.

Tractor Man's Comment
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Ill bet all of the people that work in the air conditioned offices all day go home and turn off their A/C. Then they open all of their windows, then turn on the furnace, then go to bed and get a good nights sleep. The temperature outside does not tell the whole story. 1 or 2 hundred idling trucks, parked side by side on acres of blacktop, really create their own ecosystem. The bean counters have no idea what it is like to live in a box in Truck Stops for weeks on end. Screw Em'!!!!!!!! I idle when it is necessary. PERIOD


Pianoman's Comment
member avatar

Ill bet all of the people that work in the air conditioned offices all day go home and turn off their A/C. Then they open all of their windows, then turn on the furnace, then go to bed and get a good nights sleep. The temperature outside does not tell the whole story. 1 or 2 hundred idling trucks, parked side by side on acres of blacktop, really create their own ecosystem. The bean counters have no idea what it is like to live in a box in Truck Stops for weeks on end. Screw Em'!!!!!!!! I idle when it is necessary. PERIOD


Hahahaha DUDE simmer down. It's an automated message they send every week. I used to respond and now I just ignore it. I've talked to my dm several times on the phone recently and he hasn't brought it up even once. My idle percentage was really high for a while because if I turned the truck off for ten hours, it wouldn't start up in the morning haha. Finally got the batteries changed.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Terminal Rat ( aka...J's Comment
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I just arrived in Houston after 4 days in Phoenix. I'll take Phoenix any day. LOL

I spent a couple weeks running around the South last trip and that was enough for me. I was like, damn. I'm from the desert, if I don't get out of here soon, I'm going to start growing moss. LOL



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