He's a part-time trucker huh? The rest of the time he's probably antifa... You know the guys that cover their face when they create chaos... so they aren't exposed. I thought I got enough of this on Twitter and Facebook now they're infiltrating Trucking truth SMH. Most of these types of people only know the talking points that they spew and are indoctrinated with... Very hard to get deep with people like this. They won't respond directly, they will wait until they research or someone gives them their next talking points.
Just gonna put this here for everyone sorry if it's a bit ugly but I believe it applies in this case.
Don't get drawn into an argument with an idiot, they will only drag you down to their level and beat you with years of experience.
Not sure if that is a quote by someone prominent or who ever said it to begin with, but it is something that has stuck with me for years.
Not sure if that is a quote by someone prominent
It's from Mark Twain.
Or one I've been saying for years- "Don't argue with an idiot. You will waste your time, and they'll still be an idiot".
Most of these types of people only know the talking points that they spew and are indoctrinated with... Very hard to get deep with people like this. They won't respond directly, they will wait until they research or someone gives them their next talking points.
That's what got my attention in the first place. He talks like an evangelist but rarely with any specifics related to trucking, and never responds directly to more detailed inquiries. It's all big picture fire and brimstone stuff, and then he's gone again.
I think when someone starts talking about shutting down the nation with a trucker's strike against our enemies in Government, big business, and law enforcement while citing incidents dating back to the Nixon years you have to raise an eyebrow at that and wonder where this is all coming from.....and where it's heading.
Wait til the folks at the other trucker's forum get a load of this guy. He'll have them marching on Washington within a matter of days!
Not sure if that is a quote by someone prominent
It's from Mark Twain.
Thanks Old School.
Kip and Todd Holmes could lead the parade....from the rear.
There's nothing complicated about this, Kip is exactly what he looks like...a social marxist. He can dress it up with some industry specific comments from time to time as they all do but overall what is he talking about?
I often wonder about people who think all great wealth should be distributed equally among others who didn't earn it. If they created the thing everyone needs and quickly became billionaires would they feel the same way about wealth distribution then.
I do understand that is not the way it happens, but the thought just for arguments sake.
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Maybe it should be Comrade Kip?