Covenant has been known to reassign your truck if you are at home longer than 7 days, or just because they want to trade your truck in to freightliner and get a new one.
1. Why do you need to be home for a week? Most home breaks are 4 days, give or take, and happen about once every 4-6 weeks.
2. That happened to me. I was happy with my KW T680, they told me to bring it in - it had been sold. OK, but I left with a Freightliner with what I consider the smallest sleeper area short of a Lightweight. Bo hoo. Then I kept driving, only a bit cramped in the back.
I have kids at home and I would like to be home longer than 3-4 days when I do get home. I am new to the career so I don't know what will work best. I do plan on being OTR for 3-5 years before I work local though.
Covenant has been known to reassign your truck if you are at home longer than 7 days, or just because they want to trade your truck in to freightliner and get a new one.
1. Why do you need to be home for a week? Most home breaks are 4 days, give or take, and happen about once every 4-6 weeks.
2. That happened to me. I was happy with my KW T680, they told me to bring it in - it had been sold. OK, but I left with a Freightliner with what I consider the smallest sleeper area short of a Lightweight. Bo hoo. Then I kept driving, only a bit cramped in the back.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Covenant has been known to reassign your truck if you are at home longer than 7 days, or just because they want to trade your truck in to freightliner and get a new one.
1. Why do you need to be home for a week? Most home breaks are 4 days, give or take, and happen about once every 4-6 weeks.
2. That happened to me. I was happy with my KW T680, they told me to bring it in - it had been sold. OK, but I left with a Freightliner with what I consider the smallest sleeper area short of a Lightweight. Bo hoo. Then I kept driving, only a bit cramped in the back.
I took 8 days off in July because my sister was having a baby. it was a bit unpredictable as to when though. they were planning to induce it about 2 days before I got home then decided to wait 1 more week, so that was 5 days of home time, then it took like 20 hours for the baby to be born from time it was induced, and me and my mother (passenger with me) wanted to visit with baby so 2 more days and then it wasn't till next day that they had a load for me (sister lives in rural area, well compared to the big cities, so not as much freight nearby). So 8 days total.
Just giving you a good reason, since you asked.
Covenant has been known to reassign your truck if you are at home longer than 7 days, or just because they want to trade your truck in to freightliner and get a new one.
1. Why do you need to be home for a week? Most home breaks are 4 days, give or take, and happen about once every 4-6 weeks.
2. That happened to me. I was happy with my KW T680, they told me to bring it in - it had been sold. OK, but I left with a Freightliner with what I consider the smallest sleeper area short of a Lightweight. Bo hoo. Then I kept driving, only a bit cramped in the back.
I took 8 days off in July because my sister was having a baby. it was a bit unpredictable as to when though. they were planning to induce it about 2 days before I got home then decided to wait 1 more week, so that was 5 days of home time, then it took like 20 hours for the baby to be born from time it was induced, and me and my mother (passenger with me) wanted to visit with baby so 2 more days and then it wasn't till next day that they had a load for me (sister lives in rural area, well compared to the big cities, so not as much freight nearby). So 8 days total.
Just giving you a good reason, since you asked.
Ah, that is a good point. I am fortunate enough to be living near a city with "some" freight (maybe?) Coming out of it. Not a huge city. Lexington, KY is the nearby city. When they had me go home to test for hazmat and tanker it only took them 2-3 hours (after i got my endorsements) to get me and my trainer a load out of there. Here's hoping that luck will continue!
Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations
There is freight nearby where my sister lives just not as much as the big cities. she lives in Midland, TX.... major oilfield city that and oddesa. First home time I had togoto Lubbock for a load, 2nd plainview, tx and this last time Oddesa. lubbock is like 2 hours away, plainview bout an hour and half and oddessa about 25 min away.
One thing about Covenant that I do like, if you are teamed up with somebody and you both have hazmat. As long as you are available for a load (meaning not on homesite, they don't count a 34 against you) for all 8 days of the week they have a guaranteed minimum. 850 if you've been driving less then a year, 1000 if you are over a year. So if I am ready to be dispatched from the house and they live me sitting for a long time, I wI'll at least get something.
Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations
Hometime* 7 days of the week*
One thing about Covenant that I do like, if you are teamed up with somebody and you both have hazmat. As long as you are available for a load (meaning not on homesite, they don't count a 34 against you) for all 8 days of the week they have a guaranteed minimum. 850 if you've been driving less then a year, 1000 if you are over a year. So if I am ready to be dispatched from the house and they live me sitting for a long time, I wI'll at least get something.
I couldn't do team driving.... bad enough having to do it while I was in training. roads are just to dang bumpy and if I wake up... I gotta pee and I gotta pee bad... Makes for a lot of xtra stops (I don't play the pee bottle game).
Explosive, flammable, poisonous or otherwise potentially dangerous cargo. Large amounts of especially hazardous cargo are required to be placarded under HAZMAT regulations
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You do not need an inverter to eat out of your Truck. Get a 12 volt Thermoelectric Cooler and a Lunchbox oven. A small Crock pot will also run off of a small plug in inverter(125-150 watt). I have those 3 items and eat well.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.