Not only have I met fellow TTer's I've actually been their CDL instructor.It gives me great satisfaction to know I have helped people actually earn their CDL. Giving them the tools they need to be successful In their new career and to it safely.
Outside of that unfortunately I haven't met anyone else. Of course occasionally I check the map to see if anyone's around my neck of the woods. So far without success.
Brian you repowered me once in Ohio... Before I knew you from here lol.
I met Miss Myoshi, and one other who lurks. I've spoken to Jet guy on the phone and tested with Paul W a bit.
Doesn't stop me from harassing Tractor man or flirting with Bravo Zulu hahah
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Doesn't stop me from harassing Tractor man or flirting with Bravo Zulu hahah
I love the Harassment Rainy! But you can flirt with me too, I feel kind of left out with you giving all of your attention to Devan and BZ!!!!
Doesn't stop me from harassing Tractor man or flirting with Bravo Zulu hahah
I love the Harassment Rainy! But you can flirt with me too, I feel kind of left out with you giving all of your attention to Devan and BZ!!!!
dev n Paul are so young I felt like a perv... Wasn't sure your age lol
Yes, I've met Tractor Man, Flatie, Gladhand, and a few others, but that's not the point here. (Oh, BTW, have you seen the Trucking Truth Tracker App? Find members near you!)
There are a few running personal jokes here. I've been accused of driving triceratops hauling on a travois. But that's just rumor. I didn't drive before there were wheels.
6-String wrote:
I met at least one driver from here in person. I've talked to Guy and Old School over the phone in the past. I've corresponded via email with a few folks. Old School and I are trying to share a meal one of these days. I'd love to meet G'town as he seems like a kindred fellow.
Thanks Brother, appreciate that. Football, music, and old trucks...that would get us through the second cup of Java.
Doesn't stop me from harassing Tractor man or flirting with Bravo Zulu hahah
I love the Harassment Rainy! But you can flirt with me too, I feel kind of left out with you giving all of your attention to Devan and BZ!!!!
dev n Paul are so young I felt like a perv... Wasn't sure your age lol
Hahaha Rainy you crack me up. You've "tested" with me?
Just so we're all clear here, Rainy IS a perv, and a stalker, and who knows what else hahaha
Just so we're all clear here, Rainy IS a perv, and a stalker, and who knows what else hahaha
I KNEW IT!!!! BTW Rainy, I'm 56, so I would be the Perv Cradle Robber! I believe you are a 30 something. And NO, you cant call me Daddy!
I have met Daniel B., Chris L. and Little Syster. Maybe that's why they don't come around here anymore.
(OK, I'm not that powerful, I know.)
Oh, and I talked to Old School on the phone once.
I think the little in-jokes arise naturally after you hang out on a forum long enough. It helps if you don't misinterpret the tone of posts, which isn't easy to do without any other cues (like voice tone and body language).
Plus, Brett has done a tremendous job of keeping this forum a safe place for people to ask all sorts of questions without worrying if they're silly and get good, honest answers. I know that is what has kept me around. Sometimes I'm the one with a sharp tongue and little patience, but thankfully I haven't been kicked out yet.
There are a few running personal jokes here. I've been accused of driving triceratops hauling on a travois. But that's just rumor. I didn't drive before there were wheels.
I always pictured a horse or maybe a mule hauling that old travois you used to have, Errol, not a dinosaur.
Ha ha! Just kidding!
That is your old Mack at the Truck Museum in Walcott, though, right?
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Jim J. My apologies! It has been a long several days. Yes, I have met Jim J. He is a very fine young man! Dashing good looks as well.