I straight up stalk Rainy on the TT GPS tracker, lol. Not sure if that counts.
Doesn't stop me from harassing Tractor man or flirting with Bravo Zulu hahah
I concur with Paul, this site has given me such great insight and answers I'd probably still be looking for. The light hearted nature is sorta a safe haven from the real world where you have truckers flying around you and blowing the horn as you're backing up and nervous. Some people you meet out here are great, some aren't. On this site ALL are great.... Or they don't stick around long cause of their lousy attitude.
I think we just proved the point of the original post that we can joke and be friends without IRL connections. Lol
Hey....I'm a stalker getting stalked??? That's awesome.. And tractor man.. I'm 42....I just look 30something and don't correct people when they assume hahha.
Operating While Intoxicated
I've shared plenty of meals and conversations with both Daniel B, and Bug Smasher One. Bug Smasher and I actually worked together on the same dedicated account, but he has since moved on to a different job. I consider both of them good friends. You will often find me playing jokes on Daniel B. He's just fun to mess with, but he usually pays me back twofold. Bug Smasher One will keep track of me on the Trucker Tracker and will call me if we are close to each other so we can get together for a meal and a visit to catch up with each other.
I should also mention that I've met Olga, Daniel B's wife. I was making a delivery in Sacramento, California and she came and brought me some Russian food which fed me for almost a week. Things like dried fish, a nice round loaf of bread, a potato salad with chopped bologna in it, some extra spicy salami, and some really tasty soup. It was a very kind and generous gesture. She and Daniel are some really good people, even if they do try to hack my computer accounts occasionally.
I've talked with countless members here on the phone, and have plans to meet Six String one day as I so often drive right through his area and go right by his Old Dominion terminal on a regular basis. The nature of my dedicated account often leaves me no time to stop off there and spend some spare time, but one day it's going to work out. I'm sure I'll cross paths with G-Town and Heavy C, and maybe Miss Myoshi, Rainy D, and Erroll one day, since I work in that Northeast corner of the country a lot.
I've often times passed right by Brett's hometown, but it takes a high security clearance pass just to get past Mr. Odin, and even then it's up to his discretion whether you can even set foot on the front porch or not.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
I have spoken to Aaron on the phone. And have corresponded with Chickie via twittah. Both are very nice. This site feels like a home full of family and friends.
I've texted with Paul and Flatie and talked to Flatie on the phone as well.
Shared emails with a few others and chat with several others on Twitter: Big Scott, Aaron and Sam the Wrestler.
I'm always looking in windows when I pass other trucks hoping to see somebody I know! Even a good blast on the air horn to say hello would make my day!
Really hope I get to cross paths with some of y'all someday. I've learned so much from everyone here. Gotten my butt kicked a few good times when I've needed it, but it's all gone towards making me a better driver!
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting any members yet, but I hope to. I do what Chickie does, I look hard at a truck that might house a member.
On a side note, if anyone wants to hit me up on Facebook, my name is Sam Pike, and my profile pic is a me and my wife getting married.
This site feels like a home full of family and friends.
Exactly why i asked what i had!!!!! And LOL @everyone on here teasing each other!!!!
This site has indeed introduced me to a whole new set of friends. Very friendly and supportive crew here. I hope to meet a bunch when I get out on the road.
I've emailed a couple folks, and have texted and spoke to Rainy on the phone........well actually I mostly LISTENED to Rainy lol.
She has a lot to say and I learned a TON from her. I'm normally a quiet kind of guy so it worked out perfect!
Much credit goes to Brett and the TT staff for weeding out the riff raff and keeping a professional but friendly tone here.
I mostly LISTENED to Rainy lol.
I'll bet you did!!
Yes, we do have fun with each other on this Forum. If you want Nastiness and Sniping, there is another forum down the road. I haven't been there in forever, just not my cup of tea! Stick around and I'll eventually make fun of you just like I do Rainy. But I need to be careful, I hear She BITES!!!
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To answer the question, I keep in touch with a handful of members through email and phone. Haven't met anyone yet. I consider G-town, Rainy, and Gladhand good friends I just haven't met yet, but will.
The people on this forum are my support group, a good group of people who know what I'm going through and encourage me to do the right thing.
As a sidenote, I am convinced that just spending a little time on this forum every day or two helps mold me into a safer driver. Not gonna lie, when I first came out here, I never did a proper pretrip. Whacked my tires, checked my lights, and left. As I spent time on here, two things happened. First, I learned through other people's experiences how important a proper pretrip is. Second, I felt guilty for "hanging out" with these guys and gals without sharing their focus on safety. Now, I do a full pretrip almost every day, and I'm challenging myself to be more thorough and more consistent each time. I have been appalled at some of the things I've found on my truck as my approach has grown more thorough. And the pretrip isn't the only thing I've improved since spending time on here.
Sorry, that was more sidenote than main answer. Maybe I should campaign for President.