THANKS captain obvious....Haha, Rob you may regret saying that one day.
I know, I'm sorry but that's something the driver would notice while doing Pre trip.
Now that is a great tip about lowering the landing gear. I would have never thought of it.
Others will disagree with me... But I never park leaning either. My first trip to WY and they shut down I80. I parked behind a bunch of other trucks on a shoulder that was slanted to the right. It made me nervous so I did a u turn and found flat ground. Two hours later I heard BANG... One of the trucks on the slant tipped over from the blizzard conditions. Not happening to me. I also know a driver who parked part on the grass and part on the asphalt and the wet ground gave way and tilted him into mud. Had to be towed. Always look for safe ways to do things.
Yosemite Sam asks a great question:
So with you putting the tractor on a 90 degree helped u obviously G-Town. Can u elaborate a bit as to the reasoning behind it. Sorry if the ? Sounds dumb just want to understand ?
Sorry this got buried in all the newer posts. Not a dumb question, and thanks for asking it.
Sam the short version of my answer; the tractor pointed into the wind at a 90' angle to the trailer acts as a brace because the length and weight will help to counter the wind blowing on the sides of trailer. Similar to how an outrigger would work to counterbalance a crane. More difficult to tip something with a 16 or 18' wide footprint as opposed to 8.5' (width of the trailer).
By doing this it also reduces the amount of surface area exposed to the wind forces.
As Rainy pointed out, a relatively flat and level surface is equally important.
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Haha, Rob you may regret saying that one day.