Ok My $0.02 on this particular case. I am short of my one year mark, so still a rookie out here. I love my company. Every company has people who love and hate them. However, CRE is a great pool to recruit from. I have met many more CRE drivers than others who all say the same thing. They are not treated well. Not everyone who complains about a company has the wrong attitude. This guy put in his one year and left. If he said he left for a local job or more money, but not because of how he was treated by his company, nobody here would bat an eye.
I love CFI and think they are awesome. I feel that our fleet managers are a great asset to help me get my job done. Are there people that hate my company? Absolutely. When I was in school, I met a flat bedder who said never go to Prime. This is why It's important that people try to find a company that fits their needs. Here at Trucking Truth, we hope to be able to help people make thaf choice. So, we need to have people's bad experiences here as well as good. Brochephus, seems like he is a bit angry. Ok let him be angry. His experience was a bad one, yet he took our advice and stuck it out for a full year. Awesome. I hope his next company is a better fit for him.
Big Scott, help me understand this.
You feel CR England doesn't treat their drivers well because:
I have met many more CRE drivers than others who all say the same thing. They are not treated well.
Then about CFI, a company you love, you say:
I love CFI and think they are awesome. I feel that our fleet managers are a great asset to help me get my job done. Are there people that hate my company? Absolutely.
Ok so you've heard negative things from some drivers at one company and determined that must be a bad company even though you have no experience there. Yet the company you work for is a great company in spite of the fact that some people hate it?
Now we have a ton of Prime drivers in here who love the company, but:When I was in school, I met a flat bedder who said never go to Prime.
So why do the negative opinions about CR England mean they're a bad company when the negative opinions about Prime and CFI are given no credence?
Big Scott, isn't this the kind of BS we try to avoid here at TruckingTruth? Come on, man. You're better than that. You really believe CR England became one of the largest refrigerated carriers out there by treating their drivers poorly?
Ok My $0.02 on this particular case. I am short of my one year mark, so still a rookie out here. I love my company. Every company has people who love and hate them. However, CRE is a great pool to recruit from. I have met many more CRE drivers than others who all say the same thing. They are not treated well. Not everyone who complains about a company has the wrong attitude. This guy put in his one year and left. If he said he left for a local job or more money, but not because of how he was treated by his company, nobody here would bat an eye.
I love CFI and think they are awesome. I feel that our fleet managers are a great asset to help me get my job done. Are there people that hate my company? Absolutely. When I was in school, I met a flat bedder who said never go to Prime. This is why It's important that people try to find a company that fits their needs. Here at Trucking Truth, we hope to be able to help people make thaf choice. So, we need to have people's bad experiences here as well as good. Brochephus, seems like he is a bit angry. Ok let him be angry. His experience was a bad one, yet he took our advice and stuck it out for a full year. Awesome. I hope his next company is a better fit for him.
Sorry Big Scott but I have to disagree, there is NO good fit for a bad attitude.
We heard one side of a two sided story, somewhere in the middle is the truth. Truth is if Brocephus dealt with his first company the way he interacted with us (gems like go "F" yourself) it's no wonder he was treated badly. "We reap what we sow", spew forth consistent negativity and expect to receive it in return, in spades.
No disrespect Big Scott, I just can't completely agree with you here. Unless he adjusts his attitude, he'll have trouble no matter where he goes.
there is NO good fit for a bad attitude
People should have to write this on a chalkboard 100 times before entering this industry.
And if you think the things Brocephus said already were bad, you should see the last three comments I didn't approve. They were some of the most ludicrous F-bomb laced tirades you could ever imagine. This from a guy who just said:
I like being nice. My personality isn't aggressive, I don't fall into one of the aggressive personality types. I'm a go along, get along kind of person.
Big Scott, you should know by now to be very careful about what you believe out there. Out of the many thousands of CR England drivers, what percentage of them do you think you've spoken with? Do you think you've had a pretty good sample size?
Whenever C.R. England comes up like this, I like to point people to This Old Thread, just to give some perspective on the company.
And by the way, did anybody catch this intriguing little piece of information from our friend Brocephus? He kept making statements like this...
I proved myself to this company and the logs back me up.
Here's another...
My hours of service are documented.
He complained about certain information not being documented on the Qualcomm from the company, but he didn't like it when they kept sending him this message on the Qualcomm...
they sent me a lot of "you've been driving for too long" qualcom messages
Apparently he was violating the H.O.S. and didn't seem to care what potential effect that might have on the company's CSA score.
There's so much more to this story. It's funny though, you don't even have to read between the lines to figure this one out. He lays it all out and makes it abundantly clear why he struggled at this. It's an absurd tale of a person who can't see the log that's in their own eye, while very easily pointing out the splinter that's in their company's eye.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
Whenever C.R. England comes up like this, I like to point people to This Old Thread, just to give some perspective on the company.
And by the way, did anybody catch this intriguing little piece of information from our friend Brocephus? He kept making statements like this...
I did prove myself. I ran hard making deliveries on schedules that were extremely tight.I proved myself to this company and the logs back me up.
Here's another...
My hours of service are documented.
He complained about certain information not being documented on the Qualcomm from the company, but he didn't like it when they kept sending him this message on the Qualcomm...
No, I complained about being promised every weekend off on a regional route that was supposed to already be every other weekend off, but was not.
they sent me a lot of "you've been driving for too long" qualcom messages
Apparently he was violating the H.O.S. and didn't seem to care what potential effect that might have on the company's CSA score.
No, that wasn't an HOS violation. That was company safety warning about driving more than ten hours, which was usually necessary to make the appointment on time. I responded each time to these warnings about my trip plan and why I had to drive over ten hours each shift just to make the appt., which even then was still hard to make on time.
There's so much more to this story. It's funny though, you don't even have to read between the lines to figure this one out. He lays it all out and makes it abundantly clear why he struggled at this. It's an absurd tale of a person who can't see the log that's in their own eye, while very easily pointing out the splinter that's in their company's eye.
There is so much more to this story. Fortunately I'm blocked from telling my side of it.
Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle
There is so much more to this story. Fortunately I'm blocked from telling my side of it
No you're not. You're blocked from F-bombing us like a petulant teenager. If you'd like to try to have an adult conversation we'll listen to your side of the story. Unfortunately you've already proven beyond anyone's wildest imagination that you have no ability to get along with people so you're wasting your time. But hey, go for it.
All we've heard is your side of it, and frankly it's been pretty telling.
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Brocephus barks up the wrong tree:
We wish there was a PLEASE QUIT button for us to push in response to all of your garbage...
I'll bet you were a real peach to deal with... Drivers like you are a Cancer, giving all of us a bad rap and adding to the boundless amounts of bad information written about this industry. Be gone...