It is listed as a hazardous material, but whether or not you need placards would depend on how much of it you have, how much other hazardous material you are shipping at the same time, and whether or not it is considered bulk packaging.
There are a number of items listed as "Moly Oxide" - your "Bill of Lading" should list the UN/NA ID number for the substance and at that point - you can look up the proper placarding, how much quantity of it onboard is required for placarding, etc.
In REALITY - THE SHIPPER AND CARRIER are responsible for determining if the contracted load falls under placarding requirements and the SHIPPER/CONSIGNEE is responsible for providing the proper paperwork and placards of the consignment meets the requirements for HM precautions.
If you are working for a MAJOR CARRIER - I doubt what you are being consigned, meets these requirements. If you are working for a Mom & Pop - they may try to "slide by" by taking HM loads and not following the precautions (especially if they are not authorized as a HM Carrier).
The customer the freight is being delivered to. Also referred to as "the receiver". The shipper is the customer that is shipping the goods, the consignee is the customer receiving the goods.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
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Does Moly oxide require placards?