Difference between 80 and 65 is 15.
As a soon-to-be ex-teacher, I'd say that Errol is using some serious common core math - believe me, I can show you this in such a convoluted, over-the-way manner that you would actually believe it to be true!
But his point is right on - patience is always the better option. Not the easiest, but definitely the wisest.
Don't say COMMON CORE!!!
You know, I could never really add in my head. (See above). But I can explain fractions!
Give Errol a break, he lives in Mississippi and has dotted too many i's and never crossed a T.... Crossed a few gators but never a T.... LOL
What more than likely happened was that the driver saw it was clear, looked ahead and started to make his move but in the meantime you made your move and thus you were cut off. I doubt that he was intentionally trying to run you off the road, but yes for you to continue on the shoulder was stupid on your part. You got impatient to get around that truck. That is what got you in the predicament that you found yourself. Then you let your emotions get the better of you and you made a bad decision. You have to get this under control if you are planning on getting in the driver's seat of a truck.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
I believe you jet, next time get a number. Then do the next right thing.
It's hard to get the truck number cause its forward of the driver's door. But the trailer number could have helped. You pull on the side of the road safely and call the police. Dont call while ur driving. They will give you a ticket for using ur phone. It happened to a new swift driver and he was so upset he didnt think to get the truck info. They said next time to pull into truck stop and have lunch and avoid confrontation. Not me, i'll meet him at the next weigh station.
If you are using a hands free device, law enforcement doesn't mind at all if you call in legitimate concerns. I did it myself the other day. Was rolling through some little town on Kansas 400 between mile markers 107 and 108 when I saw something moving on the road. Something big. As I got closer, I saw that it was a deer trying to pull itself across the road with its front legs. The back legs weren't working. Almost certainly had been recently hit, and would likely get hit again if someone wasn't paying attention.
So I rolled around the deer, pushed the mic button, said "Call Local Police" and told the officer who took the call what I had seen, advising them that the responding officer should come prepared to put the deer down.
Normally I absolutely will not use any phone, hands free or not, when driving, but that was a public safety issue.
Sorry Errol but I'm going to say it, "COMON CORE". I just wish I'd gotten to it before anyone else.
We all know (at least those exposed to children in grade school) that having the right answer doesn't matter as long as you were thinking of different ways to come up with one and not using the tried and true process which is old and outdated, not to mention closed minded because it only comes up with the right answer. And we all know that what is "right" for you may not be "right" for me.
But to address the original post, it is hard to comment either way on the truck driver from this limited information and certainly biased to one side of the story. It was good to see the admission of wrong doing for doing the shoulder driving and it does seem like there was too much impatience but we also don't know over how long this all took place which would weigh in as well. We also don't know if the trucker was multi tasking and after a while realized that he had pulled in front of the 4 wheeler and then tried to move over as he should but didn't catch the fact that the 4 wheeler had also just done that.
Either way the end result was good in that no one got hurt and no damage was done to person or property that we know of. Secondly while we will never know (unless he is reading this forum and admits it was him/her) maybe the trucker also got to have some seconds thoughts about the situation along with jetguy and will better handle this type of situation in the future. The worst mistakes are those we don't learn from.
Truck driver's (LUNATIC) actions were: Intentional... Swerved twice... Racing... This is what happened. And I wrote this in original post.
My 2002 Corolla about 2000 lbs was no match for his tractor/trailer
This was attempted murder.
I did not write this because I am needy and need attention. This happened about 6 months ago. Sometimes I write something, and sleep on it to see if I really want to post it. First time I've waited 6 months.
I have been encouraged to have patience. Yes good encouragement.
Nancy wrote to stop at the next scale. If I have time and it happens again, I will and lunatic will be banned for life.
I will write more when I have time.
Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.
Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.
Get over it already (6 months?!), accept your part in being a lunatic 4 wheeler, and focus on controlling your own actions. It's not about right or wrong, but avoiding safety hazards even when you have to go out of your way to compensate for another driver's lunacy. You escalated the safety risk. Listen to what the experienced drivers on here are telling you - we're all saying the same thing. Let it go and make better decisions.
Truck driver's (LUNATIC) actions were: Intentional... Swerved twice... Racing... This is what happened. And I wrote this in original post.
My 2002 Corolla about 2000 lbs was no match for his tractor/trailer
This was attempted murder.
I did not write this because I am needy and need attention. This happened about 6 months ago. Sometimes I write something, and sleep on it to see if I really want to post it. First time I've waited 6 months.
I have been encouraged to have patience. Yes good encouragement.
Nancy wrote to stop at the next scale. If I have time and it happens again, I will and lunatic will be banned for life.
I will write more when I have time.
So you could hit brakes let him go by and then not have to worry about it...... You are as fault as him... This reminds me of the old adage Three sides to every story Yours Theirs and the TRUTH
Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.
Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.
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NOW we know why Errol changed his career from being a math teacher to truck driver.
Just picking Errol