Smiley and the Bandit 2
Now that is just plain FUNNY!
Why do I get the feeling that I am not gonna live that down anytime soon?
Ok people...what stupid things have you done that will make others feel not so alone?
I was still learning rhe turn radius of my new truck when i turned into a lot to turn around after missing a turn. i didnt have enough room in that lot.
some guy came to me "are you trying to get out? you cant stay here ya know"
he asked while watching me pull forward and back a few times.
ok..he was more stupid than me i that moment.
Rainy are you still on
This happened to me early on in my solo career. Some of you will remember this. The rest can probably learn a lesson from it.
This happened to me early on in my solo career. Some of you will remember this. The rest can probably learn a lesson from it.
Good read, Turtle - made me chuckle. (How did he not see you??)
=) Sorry that happened to ya!
In the spirit of fessing up, I'll title this, "Why a Pre-Trip is important". Now I know what you are thinking, he isn't even a driver. Pull up a chair.
I came home from school a couple of weeks ago, and woke up to about 9 inches of snow. I have 3 garden tractors, one with a front end loader, one I mow with, and take the deck off and put a plow on for the winter, and one to tow equipment around the yard (trailers, sweepers, etc.). I hadn't had time to switch the deck before I left, as I was still mowing up until a week before I left, and was hoping to chop up the leaves when I got back, so no plow yet.
So, I jumped on the front end loader that has been parked for 2 months. I did check the oil, but that is all, because it was tucked into a hard to get at spot in the garage. I drop the bucket, and take a swipe down the driveway, and get about 50 feet, lift the bucket, and try to back up, and it just spins. Great. The weight rack is in the back yard, and getting it and the weights to the front yard is a pain, to put it nicely. So, I decide I'll pop chains on, in the snow. Didn't take too long to figure out that that was going to be way too difficult in the snow. I still can't believe I'm spinning, this tractor is 4 feet long and weighs 1100 pounds, without the loader. I usually only need weight if the bucket is full of dirt.
So, I fire up the tractor I use for towing, and decide I'll pull it backwards into the garage and put the chains on. I hook up, and I can't budge it, it slides a few inches, and now this tractor is spinning, and it has chains on it. So, I finally take that tractor through the snow, grab the weight bracket, bring it out front, and make two trips to grab 4 weights, as the only place to carry them is where I put my feet. By the time I got them out front, loaded the weight rack on, and loaded the weights, I was seriously worried I might have a heart attack. So, I took a break.
Jumped on the tractor, started backing up, and it is moving, but still spinning quite a bit. I finally got it backed into the garage. That is when I finally looked down at the front wheel, and saw that it had had a flat, and since I drove it on the flat, I had broken the bead loose, and the tire was half off the wheel, which was why it was spinning, I was dragging the weight of the front of the tractor and loader.
Luckily, I was able to crank a cargo strap around the tire and get the bead to seat, pumped it up, and finished the driveway.
I could have avoided all that, had I simply walked around the tractor and looked it over. Took me 4 hours for a 30 minute job.
Operating While Intoxicated
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Found a mud hole in a customer's dirt overnight parking area. Had to get a wrecker to pull me out. This was my 11th day solo.
I'm now much more careful in dirt lots. Mud = Bad!
About 3 months into my solo career I was docking at a cold storage facility that has you back in with doors shut. I had one of the newer trailers with the self opening trailer tails. I had closed the tails but as I was backing into the dock they reopened. I had no idea I had damaged the door until a worker came out and told me.
Not even a scratch on the tails...
Luckily a worker saw it happen. Later they had me back into a second door with a spotter watching. The tails again opened up as I was backing. They opened up the dock door so I could back in without risking damaging a second door. Later that day I started stocking zip ties on my truck to secure those damn tails.
I was sure I was going to get blamed for the accident and damage but never did. I assume the customer employee seeing it happen, plus all the problems Prime has had with that type of trailer tail spared me. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out I was one year "incident free" and was eligible for a gift at the company store. Still haven't gotten back to pick that up...
Prime has since started modifying these type of tails so that they have a mechanical way to lock them in the closed position.
More recently I again had a trailer with self opening tails. This one had not yet been modified so still had no mechanical closure. I had just closed the tails and was grabbing onto the right handle to open up the doors. A sudden major gust of wind caught under the trailer tail like a sail and it flew open with force. The tail hit me square in the face and knocked me backwards clean off my feet. Stunned I found myself laying on the pavement. The guy backing into the spot next to me jumped out "Holy s**" are you ok!?.". I replied, "Yea I'm ok... Except for my pride." Had busted open my forarm also, but I honestly didn't even notice the injury until a few minutes later. Where the hell is all this blood coming from??? Oh cr*p!
I now am extra careful when dealing with those damn trailer tails.
Then there was also the time I was drop/hooking in the rain at 3am at a Walmart DC. I couldn't find the row "R" I was told to drop in so I jumped out real quick and asked a yard jockey for help. Went back to jump in my truck and the door was locked. Reached into my pocket where I "always" have my extra key.... And I'm overcome by that sinking feeling as all I feel is empty pocket. I climb up and look inside, and see my extra key sitting on top of the dashboard. So there I am standing in the rain, parked in the middle of the main drive right in front of the docks for hours as I call every tow company and locksmith in the area and not a single damn one is answering their phones. Finally I call the local small truck stop and the nice lady gives me the cell phone number of a local body shop owner who also does lockouts. He was there within the hour.
To this day I have no idea why I took the key out of my pocket or why I put it on the dash...
Have had my small share of bumps and hurdles, but still going strong out here.
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Now that is just plain FUNNY!