Spiteful Boss Ranting

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Vendingdude's Comment
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Contact Craigslist, Boy Scouts, a church, etc. to find the fish a good home and get cheap help to move your stuff. Donate, sell or put in storage other stuff and get moving. Remove negative people from your life. Drive truck, be happy.

Reaper's Comment
member avatar

Contact Craigslist, Boy Scouts, a church, etc. to find the fish a good home and get cheap help to move your stuff. Donate, sell or put in storage other stuff and get moving. Remove negative people from your life. Drive truck, be happy.

Finding places for the stuff is no issue honestly half of the crap I could care less if we left it there we can buy new stuff since we will have to throw out most of the stuff from mold and mildew. The fish tanks are empty but one is a 40 gallon breeder. Wide and fat and shorter. The other is a 75 gallon tank, tall long wide and heavy. Both require two people to carry and honestly I wanted to get a storage locker put our crap into. I am going to have to bring my car down to my family anyways for storage. Her step father doesn't allow anyone into the house for fear of being judged so hiring movers isn't an option. Honestly I've mentioned to her we rent a locker, throw in as much crap as possible into it aND the rest we cut our losses. We have a great storage area down at my parents house. The tanks can be rebought, the filters and other equipment will need to be replaced anyways. I would love just grabbing the essentials and leaving. That would burn all bridges with her whole family and she doesn't want that. She lover her grandparents and her mom and sister. I like her grandparents. Her sister is nice but given time she will understand. We have done it before.

I wish things were as simple as leaving my job and going trucking lol. So much drama outside of work.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Actually things ARE that simple. I'm guessing you are kinda young and as heartless as this is going to sound....she is NOT your wife yet. But she is their daughter. All that drama comes with her forever. If you left her tomorrow permanently would they throw her out?

And what does tax season have to do with it? Are they claiming you both on their taxes?

I'd convince them all that training in winter is better.and go Jan like G town said. Send them some money from the road, and you'd have a solo truck by April. And have her on the road with you.

I'd also try getting stuff out of the house slowly when they aren't home so it doesn't cause a fight.

You sound young....and putting off the things YOU want for people who aren't even your family is crazy.

Reaper's Comment
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No they aren't claiming us,but it would be money that my fiance could pay rent with until I make more than the 200 a month. We pay them 900 a month including utilities. I bring home roughly 275 a week but get paid every two weeks. She gets paid slightly less and right now we are barely scraping by with finances. If I were to go to psd before taxes I don't think she will afford the rent her parents charge. They won't lower it. I'm trying to think of her and myself. Trucking is the solution to our problems, financial and others. Tax returns will provide money for her to pay rent while I'm training and I get a handle for the truck. It'll also pay for moving costs and transporting the car to my parents house. To be honest once we both get to the road life will be better. We've lived like this for 3 years, we can go 5 more months for myself and 7 months for her. We know there is a hard end for this life and our trucking future will begin soon.


Prime Student Driver

Prime Inc has a CDL training program and the first phase is referred to as PSD. You'll get your permit and then 10,000 miles of on the road instruction.

The following is from Prime's website:

Prime’s PSD begins with you obtaining your CDL permit. Then you’ll go on the road with a certified CDL instructor for no less than 75 hours of one-on-one behind the wheel training. After training, you’ll return to Prime’s corporate headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, for final CDL state testing and your CDL license.

Obtain CDL Permit / 4 Days

  • Enter program, study and test for Missouri CDL permit.
  • Start driving/training at Prime Training Center in Springfield, Missouri.
  • Work toward 40,000 training dispatched miles (minimum) with food allowance while without CDL (Food allowance is paid back with future earnings).

On-the-Road Instruction / 10,000 Miles

  • Train with experienced certified CDL instructor for 3-4 weeks in a real world environment.
  • Get 75 hours of behind-the-wheel time with one-on-one student/instructor ratio.
  • Earn 10,000 miles toward total 40,000 miles needed.
Reaper's Comment
member avatar

I find it kinda funny though how I went from a ranting vent about my work to a discussion about my fiancee and I starting trucking lol.

Pianoman's Comment
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$900/month?!! You are being used, my friend. Run far away as fast as you can lol.

Reaper's Comment
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900 for a 11x11 bedroom with our house of stuff piled high inside. No real choice of what to do. Can't go downstairs to our basement bedroom before 10. I get up for work at 545. At least imy already prepped for lack of sleep in trucking lol.

Pianoman's Comment
member avatar

Dang it, I was originally not going to comment on this thread but it's too late now. Lol.

Good luck with everything man. I'm not going to tell you what to do. I don't even know your whole situation and it sounds like you've already got enough people dictating your every move. My two cents, whether you continue with your original plan or not, if you haven't already learned this, learn to say "No." If your in-laws can't accept your decisions, that's their problem. You are and will always be the boss of YOU.

Reaper's Comment
member avatar

I'm starting to say no, that's how I've started down the tucking path. They tried to steer me away from it I said no I want this I'm doing this. Lol my upbringing was to please everyone and put everyone before myself. I'm starting to get balance and think about myself. I just need to fine tune how much each way.

Reaper's Comment
member avatar

Oh and yes I am young lol I turn 25 new years eve

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