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LDRSHIP's Comment
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You do realize all of that large and heavy stuff has to go. If your plan is the both of you are to stay in the truck and on the road full time. Sell the stuff. You can't take it and it is not worth it to store it long term. Sell everything but the clothes you need.

Diver Driver's Comment
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Her parents don't believe I can do it or don't want me to do it because ido be away from the family. Im not going to go into the details about her family and my relationship with them. This is also a big reason why I need to become a trucker to get independence and get her out of there and on the road with me so she and I can relax and be better off.

Reaper, I was in pretty much the EXACT same situation while I was in the Navy. I'm not going to go into details, but trust me. If you stick around and don't follow what is really calling you (which seems to be trucking) YOU WILL REGRET IT.

I went to Prime last Feb., and my first trip out was into a blizzard on the east coast. I seriously urge you to get your training during the winter, while you have a trainer. I grew up in Chicago, so driving in the snow was nothing new. IN A CAR. Driving a truck is nothing like driving a car. Even though I went through training in the winter, I'm still leary about doing it this year by myself.

Good luck to you. Just try to be true to yourself, and in the end, ensuring else will work out.

Reaper's Comment
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That actually are pretty good points. I'm going to talk to my fiance and see how she feels about selling as much as possible. Eventually we want to move from vermont down to Tennessee. To be honest I could always rent a uhaul and store the stuff I can't sell at my parents house (vermont is weird like that not many places want to buy stuff but lots of goodwill and salvation army places. And actually my fiance could live with my parents during training which wouldn't be bad at all.


Driving While Intoxicated

LDRSHIP's Comment
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Whereabouts in TN? Just curious as that is where I live and have lived for 14+ years.

Reaper's Comment
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Not quite sure, we both just want to get away from vt. The states nice but I just been burned too many by jobs and her family too much to want to stay. Plus it's expensive to live up here lol. She wants to leave for a change to match our new lives so to speak

Susan D. 's Comment
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Dear God.. $900 a month?? They aren't doing you any favors, you are helping them. You could easily rent a nice home or apartment, and pay all the utilities for less than that.

Do yourself a favor. Help yourself. Ditch the household items, head to TN with your fiance and go to prime asap. You will regret not getting winter training with a driver trainer! It's nothing like driving a car.

Best wishes and good luck.


Substance Abuse Professional

The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

Reaper's Comment
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Thanks sue, to be fair 900 a month in our county here is actually average for a studio or one bedroom without utilities. But I completely agree that they're using us. Im actually going to be looking at a cheap storage unit to stash as much stuff as possible on my day off. Once that happens yeah I agree I want to get a jump start

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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You do realize you only don't get paid while with the permit right? So that's like 2 weeks. After that you will get $700 gross per week which cleared me around $400. So that is more you would make in training than in your job.

And HAPPy early birthday!!

Reaper's Comment
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Thanks, and 400 cleared that's 100 less than what I make take home after 2 weeks here at the hospital. And that's part of the reason why I wanted to wait for tax returns is the permit weeks. She isn't taking home much money and she's quitting her job once I have my own truck and she can come on.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
LDRSHIP's Comment
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My mortgage on a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath house with a fenced in yard a 1 car attached garage is less than $900. Granted it is $860 with my escrow account. So mortgage, insurance, & taxes cost $860 a month. I live in the 5th largest city in TN, lol.

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