Didn't Work Out

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Thomas F. S.'s Comment
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Well it didn't work out for me at West Side. I have nothing bad to say about the company. It was a mix of the driver trainer and myself that got the best of me and I will leave it that. So now it is nearly a month later and I am starting training with another company here in Iowa. It is a little smaller than the other. Same benefits and starting pay is higher and the best part after I am done with training I can take one or two of my cats with me in the truck. The other company only allowed dogs. I am super excited that I can have one of my cats with me. So when one of those days that I am lonely, hopefully my cat can pick up my spirits.

On Monday I am going with a trucker that has a stick shift. We will be headed out to someplace in Ohio. Then the following three weeks will be with the original trainer who is currently out west on special runs and his truck is an automatic. Sounds like I might be getting the truck I test drove which was a stick. But I don't mind. To me it shifts better that the school trucks and the past trainer in C. R.. It is a newer truck and a Kenworth. The transportation Director said that in 2018 they are going to have all automatic trucks. When I started out my test drive to determine if they were going to take me on or not (they don't have a program in place a 100%, but have trained new and old truck drivers before) I had to stop in the middle of the roadway. I was trying to get used to the shifting of this truck and as I drove the course they had which was on rural highways I did much better. When we got back to the trailer drop off (where we hooked up to it), the director asked me if I wanted him to back the trailer in since I don't have a whole lot of experience. I asked him, if he didn't mind but that I wanted to try to do it. With a little help from him and I get it in the spot with hardly any problems. I said sorry it took me a while and he said, don't apologize. I have seen veteran drivers take much longer than what I did. He said he liked what I did.

So after doing another drug and physical test I was hired on. So far I like what I have seen of this place. He said I will be home on the weekends during training and home for Christmas. I did talk to him of my experience with the last trainer and I think they want this to work out for me as well for them. Another part of getting the job is my age (maturity, if you say so) and my last job for the amount of time I worked there which was eight years. The driver I am jumping in with tomorrow said if I have any refrigerated food to bring it. He has plenty of room in his fridge. The last company the guy never offered to share room. This company knows all of their drivers by their names and has the family atmosphere that I am looking for. They have less than 75 trucks and drivers are mostly living in the midwest, but a few do live further out east and southeast. I hope this place works out because I want to be able to put my roots in some place that I like. I don't want to be like a lot of drivers I have seen that bounce from company to company. Of course I might get mad at something they do. But tell me what company that doesn't happen at? I liked my last job and would still be there if circumstances were different. There were times I wanted to quit, but never did without at least having another opportunity lined up.

And Sue thank you again for your comments. Since I have switched to a different company I won't blame you if you do not want to comment on my stuff. I just don't think that was the place for me. At this place so far I feel way better being here than I did there.

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Susan D. 's Comment
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I have a good idea who your trainer at WST was and if it's who I suspect -- yikes. You really should call Anna and be straight up with her about him if you haven't already done so.

I'm really glad you didn't give up and hope this company meets or exceeds your expectations.

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