Some.of the features are locked, like info about the restaurants a truck stop has, fuel.prices, scale locations and a couple of other things. Have to have a vip membership to get that stuff now. $5 per month. Not bad, but, I'm trying to keep monthly expenses low, I'd pay for it, but not if I can find an equivalent for free.
Sambo, I checked my version, it was outdated. So I held my nose and closed my eyes and updated to version 1.77.1 just now.
Whaddya know? I get the restaurants, fuel prices, scales and stuff for free. And I'm in the great majority of people who wouldn't pay five bucks any time for the app.
I've got an Android Samsung Galaxy S6. Are you using an Android phone?
Mine still works too and I just changed phones a couple of weeks ago from a Samsung S3 to an S5.
Where did you download it from? You might try uninstalling it and reinstalling it from another source.
I have an LG G5 running Android 7.0. Trucker Path version
Fuel Prices
Try Gas Buddy for fuel prices. It's a free app. Hope this helps.
IPhone version looks a bit different. nothing is locked. Mine isn't showing fuel prices, but then again, I can care less. My company gives me my fuel stops. The price they pay is not my concern. The regular fuel stops are always "FILL". Any other place they send you it is "50 gallons".
Operating While Intoxicated
Patrick doesn't really care:
IPhone version looks a bit different. nothing is locked. Mine isn't showing fuel prices, but then again, I can care less.
Look at the lower left corner of Big Scott's pictures. The second one has a gas pump selected, and had prices on the roadways. That's a selection from the little icon on the left left.
And as a company driver, I could care less, too!
Operating While Intoxicated
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Some.of the features are locked, like info about the restaurants a truck stop has, fuel.prices, scale locations and a couple of other things. Have to have a vip membership to get that stuff now. $5 per month. Not bad, but, I'm trying to keep monthly expenses low, I'd pay for it, but not if I can find an equivalent for free.