Patrick doesn't really care:
IPhone version looks a bit different. nothing is locked. Mine isn't showing fuel prices, but then again, I can care less.
Look at the lower left corner of Big Scott's pictures. The second one has a gas pump selected, and had prices on the roadways. That's a selection from the little icon on the left left.
And as a company driver, I could care less, too!
I tried sorting by fuel prices. On the iPhobe version it is on the right side. I got it to load the fuel prices. Took 3 or 4 tries. It may be my connection. But in the expanded information they don't show up anymore.
Operating While Intoxicated
Still free on my Android
Can't comment on Trucker Path, but there is something you might want to consider if you don't mind sticking with one company for fuel.
Loves has an RFID fueling system. No card, just a RFID device in a mount on your windshield, like an EZ-pass or Pre-pass. I suspect that it will track your fuel purchases fairly closely, and that data will be available to you, through an app, or online.
You'll have to do your own homework on that one if it sounds interesting though, I'm a company driver, and have zero say in how fuel arrangements are handled, so it is not something I have paid attention to, except in passing.
Trucker path still works for me, as far as sewing where the truck stops and wm and such are, just some things locked out, like restaurant detail, scale locations, other things like dealerships (tk, carrier, volvo, peterbilt, etc), only available with a vip membership.
Today I was able to look at truck stop details and reviews and search for scales. I am not locked out anywhere.
Found a viable alternative. Check out road hunter, it's pretty much the same app, actually may have a few more features than trucker path, granted, trucker path is adding new things. Also, I think trucker path may run just a bit smoother, but road hunter has 1 million downloads, so I thought I'd give it a look.
Might be worth the look once you guys end up upgrading to the newest version. Was reading the reviews and others have commented on the monetization, so, everyone will eventually be on the new version, eventually.
Found a viable alternative. Check out road hunter, it's pretty much the same app, actually may have a few more features than trucker path, granted, trucker path is adding new things. Also, I think trucker path may run just a bit smoother, but road hunter has 1 million downloads, so I thought I'd give it a look.
Might be worth the look once you guys end up upgrading to the newest version. Was reading the reviews and others have commented on the monetization, so, everyone will eventually be on the new version, eventually.
If it's only a couple bucks a month, I'll pay for it. Being able to see reviews for off-brand truck stops and how friendly Wal-Marts are has been extremely useful.
I even try to contribute. I found a little truck stop in Vermont in Ferrisburgh, VT that had a single comment. 'No overnight parking.' I routed by it and took a 30 there. One of the nicest little truck stops I've ever been in. I talked to the employees and they explained that the town can't enforce the no parking signs, but somehow, they do have the right to place them. One of the town council apparently hates trucks, and was irritated that they managed to get zoned and built. The place only has 4 parking spots for trucks, but it has a nice, clean store, and a McDonalds. I wrote up a little review and put it in the system.
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Oops, I deleted.the photos from photo bucket lol, now it's stock photo.
Anyway, apparently the update from 1.77 to 1.78 changes the app.