Drivers Under Contracts Working At 1972 Wages.

Topic 17287 | Page 2

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Kevin H.'s Comment
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Maybe those drivers shouldn't have signed a 50 year contract.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
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Now that I fully understand the problem I can provide you with a very effective, yet simple solution. All you have to do is pay off their contractual agreement for them and you will have released them, and yourself from any possible liability or retaliation.

That is a win win for everyone!

You will gain two faithful (hopefully) employees, and you will learn why their present employer takes this contract more seriously than they do. Having "some skin in the game" will do wonders for your understanding of the seriousness of contractual agreements.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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You said you are under contract and making $250 per week. I made three times that in training. And five times that solo. So what you are saying makes no sense to me. Perhaps you are speaking of a specific company? And I made no payments, just worked my year.

So I'm behind the times when it comes to the law. I'm not a lawyer I'm a trucker making a VERY decent wage as a company driver. So much so, next month I will pay my Mustang off a year early.

Bottom line, I signed a contract with my company. Had I not honored it, the company could take x amount from my future wages at another company. That contract is between me and the company not any future employer. Not sure how you could be sued as the next employer. Even if that is a new law, the old contracts were signed before it was enacted.

But if someone is willing to renege on a contract with others, why would you want to hire them? What makes them reliable.

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