Sometimes You Need An Attitude Problem For This Job

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Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Was in a smaller receiver with 30+ trucks coming and going. We had to park and wait for doors on a very muddy and sloped lot. I was trying to alley dock up a hill in the mud. Not easy. What made it worse was a foot drop off on my left and a railing to my right. To pull forward I used a ramp from another lot.

A freaking driver saw me and came as close as he could to me giving me very little room. I motioned several times asking him to back up...which was a straight back for him with no one behind him. But nooooo.... we were nose to nose and there was no way for us to get around each other.

For twenty minutes I tried then got out of my truck and said "would you please move back? You can see im still not very good at backing and the slope and cliff are making this difficult." He said nothing and didn't move.

Then I said " fine. I'll park right here and no one in this lot will get anywhere. Either you move to let me back or get comfy cause I'm going to sleep." When he started yelling at me, security came over and forced him to move.

I kid you not I was so frustrated I would have just climbed in my bunk right there had security not intervened.

So sometimes you need to have an attitude problem to deal with people.

TNTrucker73's Comment
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I don't get driver on driver hate.....

G-Town's Comment
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Rainy...he is the one with the problem. You were far kinder to him than I would have been. Glad it worked out for you.

Sambo's Comment
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I don't get driver on driver hate.....

I guess some drivers are the best of the best super truckers, and the world revolves around them.

's Comment
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Sometimes those kind of situations give us the chance to vent our cooped up aggregation. Thinking I might need one pretty soon myself...was really questioning myself and my career choice today...thinking about posting a rant later on...for TT eyes Glad it worked out for you Rainy...hang in there're a professional Trucker!


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Sometimes those kind of situations give us the chance to vent our cooped up aggregation. Thinking I might need one pretty soon myself...was really questioning myself and my career choice today...thinking about posting a rant later on...for TT eyes Glad it worked out for you Rainy...hang in there're a professional Trucker!

Not really sure how well it worked out lol. I got aggravated being there in the chaos. Drivers told me they were there for two whole days. I talked them into letting me drop it. They agreed for an extra $20/ well woelrth it to me.....

So my next load 180 miles on one GPS and 210 on the other. Two stops...and the appt times were 1800 & 2100. Messaged dispatch...I need an extra 2/hours will never make it in 2.5 hours. Never got a new appt time. I predicted 2000...I got there 1915. Just in time to get in a door and have to wait for a shift change.

So here I wait. To get loaded, get my next pick up and head to the tundra up north...How's Detroit looking? Hahaha

I'm at the very southern tip of TX and its 38 degrees...BBRRR


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
's Comment
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I don't know about Detroit, but Minneapolis doesn't look too good for Sunday and Monday! Will be glad to get back to Springfield next week!

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