Family Supper Was Interesting About Trucking... Not

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Reaper's Comment
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So last night i was riding along with my fiances parents to go to sunday supper like every week. On the way there i was informed that im getting really fat. Im gaining a lot ot weight and i need to seriously sit down and think about this "trucking ****".

Apparently yes i have gained about 45 pounds but thats is due to stressful eating, lots of breads and fast foods and comfort food eating. Also the lack of sleep doesnt help either. (Keep in mind i moved up here to vt 3 years ago weighing roughly 270, back in march of this year i dropped to 236, and now im back to 270.)

Yesturday morning i had one can of coffee monster (never drink the stuff ive only had 3 my whole life and the last one was at least 2 years ago)

Apparently according to them i now want a heart attack along with diabetes.

Anyways back to the trucking topic i had mentioned. Apparently i need to seriously sit my butt down and seriously think this over because i wont ever have a home life nor will i be able to keep my relationship with my fiance due to the apparent fact from him that truckers cheat and lie. (What a wonderful guy isnt my step father in law?)

I told my fiance this and she apologized and i told her sucess is the best revenge. He hates the fact that im going to be going. For christmas i had asked for the rand mcnallys trucker atlas deluxe edition and a few dry erase markers for it, and a truck stop guide. Nothing expensive or rediculous. He is refusing to get them because "plans change". I think its because he doesnt eant to support this life decision.

(probably because he will hve to get off his butt and start doing some of his houses house work, but i think mostly because he is losing someone to control and manipulate.)

On the bright side yesturday ive been driving quite a bit and the whole time i felt home sick (i already consider big rigs to be home and i havent left for the career yet lol) after watching a lot of youtube videos of truckers daily vlogging. I actually turned my wipers on because i was slowing down and i was used to watching the drivers turning on the jakes in the video so thats what i did.



Operating While Intoxicated

Reaper's Comment
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Oh and i forgot to mention. My fiances mom supports it she wanted to buy me the stuff. Also her family is very supportive of it it is only him lol.

Rick S.'s Comment
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You gonna be able to make it until April without ending up on CNN?

Divorced 3X myself - so I'm probably not the best source of relationship advice.

On the WEIGHT ISSUE though - what's your HEIGHT (for BMI purposes)? Are you diagnosed with sleep apnea? High BP? High sugars/ A1C?

Excessive weight contributes to a lot of health issues, and throws red flags during your DOT/Company physical. If for NOTHING ELSE, I'd look into shaking some of the chub.



Department Of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.

Sleep Apnea:

A physical disorder in which you have pauses in your breathing, or take shallow breaths, during sleep. These pauses can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Normal breathing will usually resume, sometimes with a loud choking sound or snort.

In obstructive sleep apnea, your airways become blocked or collapse during sleep, causing the pauses and shallow breathing.

It is a chronic condition that will require ongoing management. It affects about 18 million people in the U.S.


Body mass index (BMI)

BMI is a formula that uses weight and height to estimate body fat. For most people, BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat. The BMI's biggest weakness is that it doesn't consider individual factors such as bone or muscle mass. BMI may:

  • Underestimate body fat for older adults or other people with low muscle mass
  • Overestimate body fat for people who are very muscular and physically fit

It's quite common, especially for men, to fall into the "overweight" category if you happen to be stronger than average. If you're pretty strong but in good shape then pay no attention.

Reaper's Comment
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Im 6'1" i will definitely make it till april with the rest of her family for support. I was diagnose with sleep apnea earlier this year but had 4 events per hour so i am not in requirement for a cpap machine. To be honest id never cheat on her ever (mainly becausr i am very shy around girls and women lol the more attracted to them the more and more i go into a shell honestly)

Also she is planning on coming with me anyways when i finish training and get situated.

Sleep Apnea:

A physical disorder in which you have pauses in your breathing, or take shallow breaths, during sleep. These pauses can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. Normal breathing will usually resume, sometimes with a loud choking sound or snort.

In obstructive sleep apnea, your airways become blocked or collapse during sleep, causing the pauses and shallow breathing.

It is a chronic condition that will require ongoing management. It affects about 18 million people in the U.S.


Constant Positive Airway Pressure

CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.

Reaper's Comment
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Also blood sugars are fine and bp is normal.

Errol V.'s Comment
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Let's see ....

Apparently yes i have gained about 45 pounds but thats is due to stressful eating, lots of breads and fast foods and comfort food eating.

Whose fault the bread & fast food got into your mouth? This is a danger for truckers, since you're sitting down not doing much all day, not burning any calories. And possibly nibbling, sorta like watching a game on TV.

Yesturday morning i had one can of coffee monster (never drink the stuff ive only had 3 my whole life and the last one was at least 2 years ago)

"It looks like you picked a bad time to stop using energy drinks!" My opinion: don't start. Not healthy. "Them" are right.

I wont ever have a home life nor will i be able to keep my relationship with my fiance due to the apparent fact from him that truckers cheat and lie.

First part is true, you won't be home. One week "gone" gets you one day with the family. Second part is up to you, but it's a negative stereotype of truckers in general.

I told my fiance this and she apologized and i told her sucess is the best revenge. He hates the fact that im going to be going. For christmas i had asked for the rand mcnallys trucker atlas deluxe edition and a few dry erase markers for it, and a truck stop guide.

WARNING! WARNING! You might be successful at trucking, but chances look good you'll get failure in your relationship. If you plan to do OTR (being gone) till you get a local job, that will take a year or more. And a year can be a long, long time.

On the bright side yesturday ive been driving quite a bit and the whole time i felt home sick (i already consider big rigs to be home and i havent left for the career yet lol)

Tough question: which do you love more: your trucking future of your fiancée?


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Reaper's Comment
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Well shes going to be riding with me. I am at fault for letting my depression get the better of me and trying to find some comfort by eating. I take full fault from that. But she fully supports the trucking life, she will be on the road with me and we will just live in thr truck full time instead of wasting money for an apartment and a car we just spend what we need for the truck. I have started a diet and exorcise plan to get myself in better shape before i start my career. And why would my relationship fail if im sucessful at trucking and she and i are together on the road?

Errol V.'s Comment
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Well shes going to be riding with me. I am at fault for letting my depression get the better of me and trying to find some comfort by eating. I take full fault from that. But she fully supports the trucking life, she will be on the road with me and we will just live in thr truck full time instead of wasting money for an apartment and a car we just spend what we need for the truck. I have started a diet and exorcise plan to get myself in better shape before i start my career. And why would my relationship fail if im sucessful at trucking and she and i are together on the road?

You explain it all, and I agree. Has your fiancée read Brett's Book: The Raw Truth About Trucking (free online version)?

Look up team driving. Your new wife will be cooped up nearly all the time. I forgot if you said she has or is getting a CDL. If so, you make all that money. If not she may start to feel a prisoner. {Advice Dept: things may seem all rosy and exciting at the start, but after reality sets in, things might turn out differently.}

Reaper, like all the others here, I support you in your new adventure, but you need to understand the reality. And she can also nag on you to put those cookies down while you're driving!


Commercial Driver's License (CDL)

A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:

  • Any combination of vehicles with a gross combined weight rating (GCWR) of 26,001 or more pounds, providing the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the vehicle being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicle towing another not in excess of 10,000 pounds.
  • Any vehicle, regardless of size, designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver.
  • Any vehicle required by federal regulations to be placarded while transporting hazardous materials.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Tractor Man's Comment
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And she can also nag on you to put those cookies down while you're driving!

Errol knows all about eating cookies while driving. He got caught on the Drivecam eating OREOS!



Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Errol V.'s Comment
member avatar


And she can also nag on you to put those cookies down while you're driving!


Errol knows all about eating cookies while driving. He got caught on the Drivecam eating OREOS!


Yes, I was written up for distracted driving!

And Tractor Man will always remind me (and you all).



Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
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