The cynic simply defines his or her self as an optimist who tried to practice what he or she was preaching.
But then again, the same cynic defines a bachelor as a man who thinks before he acts -
- and then doesn't act...
As my fiance has been taking care of our new born i was working full time to pay our full rent in their house (900 a month) after our son passed away
I'm so very very sorry
As my fiance has been taking care of our new born i was working full time to pay our full rent in their house (900 a month) after our son passed away
I'm so very very sorry
Hey its OK, to be honest he was very very sick. Bad bad Cerabalpalsey, and very bad blindness, very bad epilepsy due to underfored brain. In the end he wouldn't have had any quality of life. It was truly for the better.
As my fiance has been taking care of our new born i was working full time to pay our full rent in their house (900 a month) after our son passed away
I'm so very very sorry
Hey its OK, to be honest he was very very sick. Bad bad Cerabalpalsey, and very bad blindness, very bad epilepsy due to underfored brain. In the end he wouldn't have had any quality of life. It was truly for the better.
I'm sorry to hear that. I know you are keeping positive about it, and that's good, but it's still very sad. I can't imagine HAVING kids, much less losing one.
Thank you everyone. Ive actually had plans on bringing trucking into my sons life like hoe my father and grandpa did for me. I know i can no longer do that but i want to keep persueing that dream in honor of him now. Make him proud in spirit. Once we get settled into our new lives a few years down the line we might adopt. If we do i can introduce our child into trucking like how i planned to with conner.
Quote of the day. Rainy for President!
I really wish She would just say what is on Her mind, and quit beating around the bush!
Well, coincidentally, there's a guy about to take office that acts that way. Should be interesting.
New updatr just held my own with her step father. He tried every trick in the book. Trucking is bad money and hoe he knows ill cheat on my fiance and how if im not she will. I held my ground defending everything about prime and myself and herself. He said he talked to the trucker for his delivery and he said the trucker said he pays 12,000 a year for insurance alone. Plus any and every company will fire me on the spot for any accident whether scratching paint to full on death rampageing. He said if i do this im out of the house. This all got brought up from us not having any savings anymore due to how **** my pay is. Honestly if im out of the house as what hes predicting ill be on the road soon. Lol
Forgot to add the quotes I'm not going to cheat on her nor will she cheat on me. Also they're severely stuck in the traditional life style with the 9-5 home every night and a permanent living address. She and I are appalled by that life style we want to get on the open road. Honestly we want to full time rv for life or at least for a long long while. I am actually very entertained with how her stepfather is getting more and more desperate to keep me from trucking and I'm internally laughing all the way to the greyhound bus at how funny this is. If they are going to keep doing this till I leave for trucking I am jokingly thinking of haVing a full time camera to watch the entertainment continue while I'm gone.
For once it feels soo good to be a disappointment to someone.
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.
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Watch out Paul, it is almost impossible to have the last word with a "Realist"!