Getting close Turtle to your own truck ! Glad your looking ahead, with patience you definitely need! Good luck sir !
Curious, how much tight [ backing period],backing have you or trainer had to accomplish with flatbedding?
I'm very close indeed. After this trip, I have less than 3k miles to go. By the time we go back to sprimonext week, I'll probably have 32k or so.
We do very little backing. In fact, the only backing I've done is at truck stops. Most of the time we just pull up to our receiver and the loader or forklift comes out to us.
Even the truckstop backing is limited. When we're busy, we just pull up to the fuel aisle, grab fuel and coffee, then hit the road again.
Turtle, GREAT DIARY!! Love the way you've kept your head and wits about you, from obstacles early-on in CDL school to your OTR training.... thanks for putting in the effort here, as an aspiring trucker I appreciate it. Best of luck to you when you go solo, which should be very very soon! When your wife joins you, will she bring Opus?
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Yup, we're going to bring Opus. He's the laziest dog I've ever seen, and he LOVES to ride. So trucking will suit him well :)
My son will be renting our house while we're otr. So in the event we need to leave him home, Opus will be in his own home with my son that he grew up with. We've definitely included Opus in the decision making process haha.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
I think that's great you're taking him with you... and your wife too, of course! When you get back to Sprimo, if you get the chance, please take and post a pic of you, Patrick, and Reaper... would love to see the three of you together. Adds to the feeling of 'family' on this site.
Yup, we're going to bring Opus. He's the laziest dog I've ever seen, and he LOVES to ride. So trucking will suit him well :)
My son will be renting our house while we're otr. So in the event we need to leave him home, Opus will be in his own home with my son that he grew up with. We've definitely included Opus in the decision making process haha.
Hey Turtle, Congrats! Good luck to you and your trucking family!
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Been watching your journey from the beginning. It went by fast. Congratulations on overcoming the beginning phase of your new life. I'm following your lead and will be in PRIME SLC in 12 days. Thank you for sharing your ride. Its quite helpful knowing what I have to look forward to.
Operating While Intoxicated
02/25/2017 0540hrs somewhere in Arizona
Oh what a glorious day it is!
I have officially surpassed the required 30k miles of TNT training, and we are currently on a direct course back to Springfield! By the time we reach home base, I'll have close to 32k in the books.
In some ways, the time flew by. In another, it went agonizingly slow lol. But now that I've crossed the......umm.....milestone, I'm super excited for what's next. (See what I did there?)
It's the end of my shift, and I'm far too tired to ramble on at the moment. But thanks again for your continued support. Next up: The upgrade.
Prime Inc has their own CDL training program and it's divided into two phases - PSD and TNT.
The PSD (Prime Student Driver) phase is where you'll get your permit and then go on the road for 10,000 miles with a trainer. When you come back you'll get your CDL license and enter the TNT phase.
The TNT phase is the second phase of training where you'll go on the road with an experienced driver for 30,000 miles of team driving. You'll receive 14ยข per mile ($700 per week guaranteed) during this phase. Once you're finished with TNT training you will be assigned a truck to run solo.
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Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
We're parked behind a little holiday gas station with a Subway attached to it. They allow truck parking here. There are a few little restaurants here, but we didn't hit any of them up.
I assume you'll be coming in from 11. About 15 miles or so before town, there's a place called ****ies Diner. In front of that is a sign for...... I kid you not...... ****Head's Tobacco. True story lol.
^^ read between the cencorship^^