Ya not a big fan of the tanker thing. They even say its a year before they will put you in a tanker, so i didnt think that would be tested right away but ill have to keep that in mind
You will be tested right away on tanker, but it's a real easy test. Nothing to worry about.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
12/30/16 0730hrs On the way to Millennium for the weekly Friday safety meeting. In my former life, a "safety meeting" meant something entirely different. Those days are long gone now. These meetings are actually safety related here! Who knew? Lol
Breakfast is free for those in attendance, and the meeting is conveniently held in the cafeteria. The seats were filling up quickly today.
On the days where I don't have anything to do early, I like to just hang out in the cafeteria sipping coffee and meeting the various employees & drivers filtering in and out. Drivers in particular are mostly friendly, and are more than willing to spend time offering advice and recounting their experience as students. You simply can't get anything better than first hand experience.
As mentioned, I have a free day today. Danny is taking today to try and turn Al around. With the lack of training on the road, Al will have a difficult time passing the cdl exam without some serious practice and focus. At least Prime cares enough to allow him some extra time to hone some skills. They really want everyone to succeed, and will give you the tools to do so.
Danny is already on the hunt for his next student. He asked me to scout this new batch of students for a potential winner. I guess you don't get to be trainer of the year by picking the bad ones lol. Getting first pick must be one of the perks.
I spend the day as usual, hanging around the practice truck. By now, some of the new students have finished the paperwork portion of orientation, and now have idle time on their hands. I take it upon myself to coax some of them over to the truck, primarily to share pretrip study. But I'm also scouting new talent now lol. The cream quickly rises to the top, as they say. I meet a younger kid, Chris, from western PA. He appears to be a smart kid, hard worker from a farm, and eager to learn. He already knows the pretrip fairly well, all from self study. He asks me if I can help him study during free time. So a self starter also. Bonus.
I have to laugh at myself. Here I am not even 2 weeks into it, and I'm conducting my old hiring process as if I was still the boss. But I take some pride in being able to pick talent. Sometimes I fail miserably though haha. Still, I have hope for this kid. (At 47, I can call him a kid now. He's 24, younger than my son!)
The annual Christmas/holiday party! I've heard rumors leading up to today of this party. Boy were they right! It was off the hook!
It was held at the Oasis Convention Center, located in the Ramada next door to Campus Inn. It turns out Prime owns it too.
During the meeting this morning, they told us that almost 1300 people had rsvp'd, and I think they were right on the numbers. Luckily for me, Danny saved me a seat. Otherwise I would've been a wallflower. The place was packed. The food was superb. The live band was awesome, playing a wide range of music all could enjoy.
No expense was spared here. Open bar (us psd students were barred from alcohol though), gift logo mugs for all, Prime rib, seafood, dessert, you name it. All top shelf. I'll make it a point to attend this party every year, if at all possible.
Everyone had their significant others with them. I had my roommate Jack lol. We had a great time, but I found myself incredibly missing my wife. After 27 years of inseparable bliss, it feels completely foreign to be without her at my side. But I'm doing this for her, and us. A means to an end.
After 2 hours or so, I bid farewell to our table, and went back to the room to call my love.
Nighty night
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Prime Inc has a CDL training program and the first phase is referred to as PSD. You'll get your permit and then 10,000 miles of on the road instruction.
Prime’s PSD begins with you obtaining your CDL permit. Then you’ll go on the road with a certified CDL instructor for no less than 75 hours of one-on-one behind the wheel training. After training, you’ll return to Prime’s corporate headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, for final CDL state testing and your CDL license.
Nope I'm not going to be a trainer, nope I'm not going to be a trainer, nope I'm not going to be a trainer, someday
Yeaaa get it turtle! quickly becoming 'The Man'!! lol Looking forward to hearing more, and I hope Al does well, seems like a good guy. I'm only 27 myself so figured now is as good a time as any. That party sound amazing Seafood and Prime Rib...my two fav foods! wonder how hard it would be to get back there every year to go.
Hey Turtle, I'm curious when you call how quickly did they get you into training? some people say it can be next week, other say can take a month+
Hey Turtle, I'm curious when you call how quickly did they get you into training? some people say it can be next week, other say can take a month+
Well in my case I called a month or so in advance of my desired start date. I'm a planner by nature, so gave myself plenty of time to follow up on anything the recruiter may have required. I picked my start date, and Prime obliged.
Cool fool. I was gonna call them soon but i dont wanna call about info and get several calls a day with them hounding me about starting (local cdl college did this to me) so im tryin to get a lil saved up first and shoot for feb
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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By the way, you may be thinking "why tanker?" if you're just gonna drive reefer. It's because sometimes we haul big containers full of liquid, and it can surge like a tanker would.
A refrigerated trailer.