CONGRATS!! So what was the hardest part of the test?
Thanks CT looking forward to seeing ya out there and yes I am! I love working out and going to the gym and hard work so that's the main reason why I picked flatbedding! Not always awesome in the winter but definitely a great workout in the summer I've heard.! Haha fits my lifestyle! And also there wasn't really a hard part honestly they trained us and taught us so well that everything was really good, the hardest part would be applying those things that we learned! I definitely didn't do perfect haha but it was great! But yea man it was pretty awesome.! They made the road test for the school harder than the actual cdl test so when I took the road test for the cdl I was prepared! It was awesome biggest thing needed during the test is peace!! Don't let test anxiety get you if you haven't taken the cdl test already and you'll do fine!! I personally prayed for peace! And it was given! If you haven't taken your test then I pray you pass and if you have then disregard the part with the advice lol and also thanks
CONGRATS!! So what was the hardest part of the test?
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Melton goes everywhere we go. Hope you like tarping lol. Best of luck to you