This Is Why I Never Want Home Time EVER!

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Brett Aquila's Comment
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Let me sum up a couple ideas here.

First of all, what Rainy is saying is that you're not kids anymore so take responsibility for creating your own circumstances and building your own life. Don't blame others if things aren't going your way. If you were 10 years old then you would be at the mercy of adults. But you're not. You're an adult yourself and yet you're choosing to live somewhere you don't want to be with people you don't want to be around. That's on you. She's telling you to stop thinking like a helpless victim and start acting like someone who's in control of their own life.

The second thing I'd like to say is that here at TruckingTruth we pride ourselves on being honest with people, and at times it's brutal honesty. We'll tell you what we feel you need to hear, whether or not you'd like to. We are always trying to be supportive, but sometimes the most important thing you can do for someone is to make them face their own reality. Like Rick said, we're totally behind ya 100%. That's the type of community we are. We all have slightly different outlooks of course, but everything we're saying is being said because we believe it's what will help you the most.

For the heck of it I'll throw this out there. There's a well known book amongst some circles called 'Celestine Prophecy' that I found pretty fascinating. One of the concepts the book talks about is that our 'proper' path in life will usually reveal itself in subtle ways if you're looking for it.

When you're on the right path you'll often find that regardless of the challenges you're facing, things almost always seem to fall into place and feel right. You seem to have great luck, things work out great for you, and you even have some crazy coincidences at times which make it seem like you have a guardian angel.

When you're on the wrong path it's like you're constantly beating yourself over the head with a hammer. Nothing ever works out right and you always feel like you're struggling up a steep slope. No matter what you do it just seems like you're always in a mess and you can't see any way out of it.

Brother, you're on the wrong path at the moment. That's pretty obvious. We'll do anything we can to help you get started down the trucking path and get through all the rest of this but in the end you're the one who has to make the final decisions and then execute on them. If you're on the wrong path then make the decision to begin looking for the right one and start making changes. Get up each day determined to make yourself and your life better.

The one thing you don't ever want to waste your time or energy doing is blaming anyone or anything for your circumstances. Taking sole responsibility for your own happiness and success is the most important step toward happiness and success. It's your life so live it any way you see fit. Don't wait for handouts. Don't go along with bad ideas. Don't settle for less than the life you know you should build for yourself. Get up each day determined to make great things happen.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Vendingdude's Comment
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In case you need a good motivational speech right about now.

Stripes Motivational Speech

Reaper's Comment
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You all are right. I just wanted to formally apologize to everyone here. I didnt mean to explode or even bring all this up... thats an issue of my aspbergers acting up (hasnt acted up in about a year and a half)

I am going to have a sit down with my fiance tonight and calmly explain my side of the trucking career, of how i feel like it would be better if i left after i get my taxes filed. (We get our w2 forms end of this month). Early feb id be leaving much sooner than april and i might even get some winter training in as well.

Again i apologize especially to rainy and rick.

Little explaination why it happened:

Home stresses obvoously as been previously stated, mixed with the crap day today at work (started the day off with 14 dirty rooms and 8 dirty stretchers) and a fairly big fight between the family just triggered my aspberger melt down. I know in the future this wont happen because ill have one massive stress out of my life soon.

Reaper's Comment
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Also to add on i do take resonsibility for my situation and i am working to get it turned around.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Reaper I really do care and want to see you succeed. Toxic.people and toxic relationships are bad. The more you are able to fend for yourself. The more you will be able to exclude bad people from your life permanently.

You've read the forums and trucking tough. Are you sure you can handle it? If you get lost will you have a meltdown? If you are late to a load will you be upset? If drivers start yelling cause you take too long backing up will you freak out? These situations could cause accidents.

I'm wondering if you should find an aspbergers support group, take your parents up on the offer of rent and try to be a little independent at home first with family near before you travel the country in a big rig before you are ready. Maybe if things at home calm down that way, you won't want to be rushing into trucking so.much. and that's what it seems like. Is it possible you are using trucking to run away from your problems?

Keep in mind, Michelle getting a license will cost more money....she'll want her own car and Insurance... Will need her own gas and maintenance, etc.

I do hope.things work out for you.

Reaper's Comment
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No no its nothing that. It was the constant name calling with the pressure from nurses and the multiple deaths in the background in the ed just got to me. No like i said havent had one of them in over a year. And it is something that would never be triggered by being late or getting lost. Those have both happened when i helped a friend move and i got seperated from then (had a pickup truck before and i was the transporter for my friends lol)


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