PJ...how do you like working for KLLM? That's a company I'm very interested in.
Renegade- I left 1 1/2 yrs ago. They made a major pay change that really hurt the sotheast and midwest drivers. Otherwise it was ok. PM me if you want particulars.
PM me if you want particulars.
Wow, It has been awhile since you've been here. That feature has been gone for almost a year!
I was looking for it and didn't find it. Renegade my email is pat.jerrold@gmail.com
PJ...I'll get up with you.
We appreciate the open exchange of information. However if it can be of benefit to everyone on the forum, the preference is to post for everyone to see the questions and the answers.
PJ...I'll get up with you.
We appreciate the open exchange of information. However if it can be of benefit to everyone on the forum, the preference is to post for everyone to see the questions and the answers.
I understand exactly what you're saying but I think PJ was trying to avoid bringing any negativity to the board.
Most my interactions at the truckstop are maybe holding a door open or thanking someone for holding the door open and that's it. I have also dealt with people giving me a big old story about swift and that I am "wasting" my time with them, they starve drivers, etc. Which is quite funny because after becoming a trucker and an employee for swift I have never ate better!
Also Brett is spot on about the counter, I avoid it because it drives me crazy when the older guys complain about my generation and act like all of us are the same, I am 22 btw, most guys at the counter are usually 10 or more years older than me. As well as politics, nice thing about Trump winning is they are all happy, until something happens and they'll blame him for all their hardships haha.
Rarely do i talk to anyone. Once in a while when. I find a good person.
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Hey everyone been awhile. I like most drivers who are out to make money avoid the truck stops as much as possible. I always seem to come across those types that want to tell you everything about them and their company. It never takes long to figure out who is full of it and who isn't. Brett I love the way you put your comments. Very spot on.
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