Farmerbob, this sounds just like ME telling this story! My mum told me several years ago just what you said. I, naturally, thought it was a silly idea until I had a string of heartburn that was relentless. I swallowed my pride then swallowed some vinegar and sure thing, I had gas coming out of both ends, but no heartburn!
How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Thanks farmerbob / Dr. Bob. this is quite timely as my daughter has been sufferring from heart burn, and was sick just before as well, to where she has missed the last couple days of work and we were up with her for a while last night. I knew about this kind of treatment for it and how most people think it is exactly the opposite of what you should do but I could not remember the specific reason and now thanks to you I do. May daughter has been downing the Pink stuff the last couple days trying to help.
I can now approach her with this added information that she will listen to. She was going to try and get in to the hospital to see someone about this problem and I hope I am able to get to her first.
Another quick fix if you are on the road and have it but don't have some place near by that sells the apple cider vinegar is a can of soda. Most are accidic but probably your colas are the worst. By the way I remember seeing on the news a couple years ago that they linked one soda per day with a 40% increase in prostate cancer. Keep that in mind gents!
Apple cider vinegar doesn't work for everyone. There are lots of reasons why people get heartburn.
Women who have had children by natural childbirth can have hernias in the chest area that cause the esophagus to kink slightly, not allowing the stomach valve to close right.
Scoliosis (improper spine curvature) can do the same, even if it's very minor. If the esophagus is stretched a little too far this way or that, the valve at the top of the stomach doesn't work right.
Scarring in the esophagus from various diseases/injures/problems can also impact how the stomach valve works.
The best way to see if it will work is just to try it, as long as you aren't allergic to apples. A small bottle that will last weeks will cost you less than a couple rolls of Tums.
Soda might help some people, but it doesn't seem to help me. I drink far more Diet Coke than is healthy, I'm sure, and I still get heartburn now and then, even if I drink the soda with the meal, and after. Diet Coke has phosphoric and citric acids. Other sodas with different acids might help. Heck, Diet Coke might help other people with slightly different issues than me. For greasy/starchy food related heartburn though, I don't know anyone who has tried it that didn't get relief almost instantly.
Operating While Intoxicated
How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Totally, totally are a wise and learned man. My reflux never returned once I went off the Prilosec and adopted "somewhat" better eating habits.
How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Part of the problem with commercialized medicine is that drug manufacturers make more money if they only treat symptoms, rather than fixing problems. What I do not understand is why Whitehouse vinegar (or any other major vinegar manufacturer) hasn't started marketing ACV as an over the counter pro-acid for food-related heartburn relief.
How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Part of the problem with commercialized medicine is that drug manufacturers make more money if they only treat symptoms, rather than fixing problems. What I do not understand is why Whitehouse vinegar (or any other major vinegar manufacturer) hasn't started marketing ACV as an over the counter pro-acid for food-related heartburn relief.
Because unfortunately they would need FDA Approval if they tried to do that. It would cost them millions, about 7 years, and the in the end deck would be stacked against them for approval. I do agree with you...but big Pharma is a driving and in this case blocking force for most everything that occurs in the treatment of disease. I was in Computer Systems Validation (CSV) for many years interacting with directly and indirectly with FDA. I won't elaborate, really can't, but your suggestion would be met with incredible resistance.
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How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Part of the problem with commercialized medicine is that drug manufacturers make more money if they only treat symptoms, rather than fixing problems. What I do not understand is why Whitehouse vinegar (or any other major vinegar manufacturer) hasn't started marketing ACV as an over the counter pro-acid for food-related heartburn relief.
Because unfortunately they would need FDA Approval if they tried to do that. It would cost them millions, about 7 years, and the in the end deck would be stacked against them for approval. I do agree with you...but big Pharma is a driving and in this case blocking force for most everything that occurs in the treatment of disease. I was in Computer Systems Validation (CSV) for many years interacting with directly and indirectly with FDA. I won't elaborate, really can't, but your suggestion would be met with incredible resistance.
I thought the bar was far lower for over-the-counter medicines, that all they had to do was prove the substance being marketed wasn't actively harmful, and not claim any clinical studies that they couldn't prove had actually been performed?
My thought was that vinegar manufacturers might have been bought up by antacid manufacturers, and digging deep enough would find a trail of companies leading to big pharma.
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How ironic that set of commercials and any others are that sell that kind of stuff for food related heart burn. Just as Farmerbob mentioned, that stuff is actually the opposite of what you want to do. You don't want to lower your acidity but increase it. They (most heartburn Rx) all just prolong the problem after giving only a short term fix and making good money off people in the process.
Part of the problem with commercialized medicine is that drug manufacturers make more money if they only treat symptoms, rather than fixing problems. What I do not understand is why Whitehouse vinegar (or any other major vinegar manufacturer) hasn't started marketing ACV as an over the counter pro-acid for food-related heartburn relief.
Because unfortunately they would need FDA Approval if they tried to do that. It would cost them millions, about 7 years, and the in the end deck would be stacked against them for approval. I do agree with you...but big Pharma is a driving and in this case blocking force for most everything that occurs in the treatment of disease. I was in Computer Systems Validation (CSV) for many years interacting with directly and indirectly with FDA. I won't elaborate, really can't, but your suggestion would be met with incredible resistance.
I thought the bar was far lower for over-the-counter medicines, that all they had to do was prove the substance being marketed wasn't actively harmful, and not claim any clinical studies that they couldn't prove had actually been performed?
My thought was that vinegar manufacturers might have been bought up by antacid manufacturers, and digging deep enough would find a trail of companies leading to big pharma.
It's a good thought, probably been thought of already. But the reality? Pharma would likely block by purchasing the vinegar companies and never release the product as a remedy/temporary cure for reflux. Profit from selling OTC or scripts for chronic reflux are far greater and sustainable than selling vinegar, a chemical compound we could all make in our basement or garage.
The bar would definitely be lower if OTC though, but the current line of clinical thought; the cause of acid reflux is too much acid. Taking what is effectively a TS of acid to not only relieve but block the reflux action, would be a radical departure from the de-facto standard of clinical documentation and knowledge. Likely causing an expensive and protracted process before FDA would grant approval or at a more granular level even rejecting a formal trial. Politics, government control, and this case as with many others, there is little delineation between the three.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
OMG, this is a subject, the digestion of the SAD, Standard American Diet, I am very aware of. Food is manufactured to sit on a shelf. You're putting all that crap and chemicals in your body and it's killing off important digestive enzimes. ACV is a good start. But it is cooked and goes thru some chemical change. Step it up a bit by using Braggs live acv. Fermented organic apples like grandma used to make, and the healing will begin. And eat some pineapples whenever you can. Great enzimes. And soda is only for cleaning acid from a battery.
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Prilosec not trc