I know this isnt how i feel about dashcams, but i figured this eould be appropriate to ask. If i have my own cam, would they let me use that instead of installing their own?
Nopity nopity nope. Lol. Although there is nothing wrong with having both.
Feel however you do but get in to a wreck prove your case however but video don't lie
That rights/feelings pic I posted a page or two ago - has to do with the TRUCKING COMPANY'S RIGHTS.
It's right to protect IT'S ASSETS by monitoring the actions of it's drivers. As previously noted - it's only triggered to record - if the TRUCK IS MOVING. Every company allows for you to cover the lens while you're parked - or it is blocked by the sleeper curtain, or front windshield curtain (if you're lucky enough to have one).
You WANT to front view camera to capture folks that RUN INTO YOU while you're sleeping.
The question was - "how do you feel about it?" I personally - FEEL NOTHING. My "right to privacy" - is non-existent when I am behind the wheel - and I'd ensure it by covering the interior lens while I'm not. I accept that, and really don't care about "my privacy" in that regard.
OOIDA Overdrive Magazine - Video witnesses: Dual-camera systems making in-roads in fleet trucks
OOIDA Overdrive Magazine - Video witnesses: Honoring the privacy bargain with drivers
Both sides of the coin from 2014/2015 articles.
You can whine and cry about it. You can wave your ACLU card around, and scream from the hilltops about "your rights".
The only choice you get in the matter - is whether or not you drive for a company that has them - or you choose another company. But as noted in the Forbes article:
McFarlin says M&W experienced a 34% decrease in total accidents within the first year. In addition, Level 3 and Level 4 accidents — the most severe — dropped by more than half. “We have also benefited from the capture of video in certain accidents that exonerated our drivers.”
If I owned a trucking company (or was a shareholder) and I could decrease my expenses, by decreasing my accidents by 34% - EVERYONE gets a camera.
Don't like it - HIT THE BRICKS!
OOIDA is an international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers. The over 150,000 members of OOIDA are men and women in all 50 states and Canada who collectively own and/or operate more than 240,000 individual heavy-duty trucks and small truck fleets.
The mission of OOIDA is to serve owner-operators, small fleets and professional truckers; to work for a business climate where truckers are treated equally and fairly; to promote highway safety and responsibility among all highway users; and to promote a better business climate and efficiency for all truck operators.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
My question is what privacy? You're in the cab of a truck with windows. There is no privacy in that situation. Anybody who wants to can look through those windows and see you. Hell, if they want they can photograph or film you and there is no invasion of privacy because their is no privacy. Once you go into the sleeper and pull the curtain in the other hand, now there is privacy. And guess what the can can't see you there. So again there is no invasion of privacy.
Easy way to think of it, in public-no privacy, in private-privacy.
My question is what privacy? You're in the cab of a truck with windows. There is no privacy in that situation. Anybody who wants to can look through those windows and see you. Hell, if they want they can photograph or film you and there is no invasion of privacy because their is no privacy. Once you go into the sleeper and pull the curtain in the other hand, now there is privacy. And guess what the can can't see you there. So again there is no invasion of privacy.
Easy way to think of it, in public-no privacy, in private-privacy.
If only your response was one of the first ones, we might have saved a wall of text.
If only your response was one of the first ones, we might have saved a wall of text.
Not likely - because the question was about FEELINGS - how do you FEEL. Not about FACTS or REALITY. If the question was - What are the Facts (or Reality) about camera's, it likewise would have ended on page one.
We go the same way about weapons on trucks, and the RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE - and I'm a big 2A guy myself. But I understand the REALITY, and don't turn it into a debate about MY RIGHTS, versus the reality of a trucking company's RIGHTS to limit their potential liability by having a rule against weapons.
I tend to be a little more B&W myself, about rules, regs and the law - and a little less about how it makes me feel - because "how I feel", really doesn't matter.
This is another one of those knee jerk/hot button topics, that may well get banned for discussion, because some folks can't see reason, and it devolves into a shouting match.
If only your response was one of the first ones, we might have saved a wall of text.
Not likely - because the question was about FEELINGS - how do you FEEL. Not about FACTS or REALITY. If the question was - What are the Facts (or Reality) about camera's, it likewise would have ended on page one.
We go the same way about weapons on trucks, and the RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE - and I'm a big 2A guy myself. But I understand the REALITY, and don't turn it into a debate about MY RIGHTS, versus the reality of a trucking company's RIGHTS to limit their potential liability by having a rule against weapons.
I tend to be a little more B&W myself, about rules, regs and the law - and a little less about how it makes me feel - because "how I feel", really doesn't matter.
This is another one of those knee jerk/hot button topics, that may well get banned for discussion, because some folks can't see reason, and it devolves into a shouting match.
Definitely. The camera never bothered me because I don't do anything to make me nervous about it. I find it to be an excellent accountability partner. Regardless, what needs to be said is said. That is why I usually avoid these kinds of posts haha.
Rick wrote:
This is another one of those knee jerk/hot button topics, that may well get banned for discussion, because some folks can't see reason, and it devolves into a shouting match.
I think we should direct newbie's with this question to the thousands of archived lines on the subject...and redirect to anyone challenging it.
When the camera was first introduced and once I understood how it functioned, and why it's there, I never had any issues with privacy. Still don't.
Yesterday it uploaded on me twice during 9.5 hours of driving; 2 dispatched loads and 6 deliveries. 40 seconds of so called "no privacy", it's laughable.
Truck drivers who regularly pick up from or deliver to the shipping ports will often be required to carry a TWIC card.
Your TWIC is a tamper-resistant biometric card which acts as both your identification in secure areas, as well as an indicator of you having passed the necessary security clearance. TWIC cards are valid for five years. The issuance of TWIC cards is overseen by the Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security.
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I know this isnt how i feel about dashcams, but i figured this eould be appropriate to ask. If i have my own cam, would they let me use that instead of installing their own?