Ok Guys here is my first update.
Day 1.
I honestly felt a little bit overprepared for this. On the first day we went over hours of service the whole day. In going through High Road I learned everything they were teaching us and was kind of helping the class get it a little bit. We only have 5 students in the class. But our instructors are fantastic at this point. Harold is a veteran that is now an instructor, and Norm is an 80 year old that spent 40 years in trucking before becoming an instructor in 1996. These are the people that are best to listen to, as they have a ton of knowledge of how to do things effectively as well as what not to do. But hours of service was drilled into us as that is probably the second most important thing you will learn. Which leads me to.....
Day 2.
Most of the day was spent on air brakes. This is the single most important thing to know. This section is literally your life on the road. At USTDS they actually have a working 1/4 scale setup on their lab wall. We got to work with the parts and learn literally what every part is and does. This is something that I was also prepared for, but it was nice actually seeing and working with the parts. We also went over injury prevention and adverse conditions. Basically that was all self explanatory. Slow down, don't follow too close, etc. I am honestly enjoying the school and all of the knowledge that I am receiving. I honestly have nothing but praise for this website, as it has literally cut the school difficulty in half. More to come as I go through school. Much love to you guys and good luck in your own journeys!!!!
Sorry I have been absent. This course has me exhausted every day. However, I would not change a thing. I have been thoroughly enjoying this. Last week we finished all of the classroom work. I ended that class with over 97%. Saturday and all this week we have been driving. We have driven in cities, mountain passes, and highways. It took me a little bit but I finally got the hang of it. Next week we will be spending all week backing. Next Thursday or Friday is our test. I think that is what I am looking forward to the most. I can not wait to have that license in my hand and be on the road in my new career. I should be updating again next week.
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Welcome Robert. I do not work for TruckingTruth but I can say please take the high road course. I am on my second day of school and it has helped immensely.
To the rest of you, I will give an update after school today. The first day was a little overwhelming and I went to sleep early. Stay tuned!!