Vaping In The Truck

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Cwc's Comment
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Anyone have any ways of keeping the condensation off the windows? I vase with the windows cracked but not all the way down and still have moisture on the windows and at times a lot of it even with the windows down.

I've thought about rainex ing the inside of the windows but wasn't sure that would really take care of it.

G-Town's Comment
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Anyone have any ways of keeping the condensation off the windows? I vase with the windows cracked but not all the way down and still have moisture on the windows and at times a lot of it even with the windows down.

I've thought about rainex ing the inside of the windows but wasn't sure that would really take care of it.

Run your AC to recirculate the air and reduce the humidity. You can use the thermostat to increase or decrease temperature.

Renegade's Comment
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Be careful with those things. I saw a video of a guy that had one blow up while he was using it and it blew out 7 of his teeth and he had 2nd & 3rd degree burns on his face.


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Fatsquatch 's Comment
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Be careful with those things. I saw a video of a guy that had one blow up while he was using it and it blew out 7 of his teeth and he had 2nd & 3rd degree burns on his face.

And I've been using them for almost 4 years without any issues whatsoever. 99 times out of 100, when an ecig overheats like that, it's because the person using it isn't doing so safely. Improperly rated batteries for the settings they're using is the most common cause.

As to the OP, the best advice I can give is to not exhale straight out, but blow the vapor down into your lap. You'll still get a small amount of condensation on your windows, and eventually a bit of haze that you'll need to clean off with Windex, but it won't look like it's been raining inside your truck.


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HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Rick S.'s Comment
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Be a man, smoke CIGARS.


Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Ru sure it's from the vaping. Freightliner's leak and it sucks. If it rains or I get the truck washed I get leaks. Not always and not always so evident then other times its very noticeable. Its not just my truck. However I'd rather deal with a tad of moisture on occasion than regular break downs lol

Cwc's Comment
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Thanks Gtown!

Rick I've finally got a handle on my buying to much vape stuff.

Rainy I'm pretty familiar with the leaky shakers and am sure this is not it.. Really it's not as bad as it seems.. you have a shower right behind the seats when it rains😆

I've got a Volvo and it hasn't had that problem so far.

Rick S.'s Comment
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Thanks Gtown!

Rick I've finally got a handle on my buying to much vape stuff.

Rainy I'm pretty familiar with the leaky shakers and am sure this is not it.. Really it's not as bad as it seems.. you have a shower right behind the seats when it rains😆

I've got a Volvo and it hasn't had that problem so far.

I usually rag on vapers pretty hard - but I like you, so I went easy...

Was visiting a buddy in Seattle last year (when I still smoked) - and he would fog up his entire house in a sitting. I go to light a cig, and he freaks out. I'm like "you do know you can smell that stuff, and it leaves a residue?". Runs out of juice and freaks like you smoked his last "morning wake up hit" that he left on his crack pipe.

I find the entire subculture to be somewhat bizarre.

My little brother vapes weed oil (Seattle - go figure), an entirely other story. Friggin burnout.


Tractor Man's Comment
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I usually rag on vapers pretty hard - but I like you, so I went easy...

I really don't understand trading the inhalation of tobacco smoke for the inhalation of boiled anti freeze!

LDRSHIP's Comment
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It must be the sweet taste. See, it is not just dogs that like antifreeze.

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