Janet, this is a Jack-knife accident...
This is a roll-over accident...
Sorry the first image is so small, but hopefully that will help clear things up for you!
So much new terminology to get used to, it's just the beginning of your new lifestyle!
In addition to be much more dangerous, a rollover is much more likely to end a driver's career.
I remember a time when we had a couple of new Prime drivers in here who both Jack-knifed their trucks on the same day on the same stretch of icy highway. If I remember correctly, they both kept their jobs, as they were rookies who were just learning the ropes, and neither of them were determined to being reckless, they were just inexperienced. In terms of damages, usually a roll-over accident is going to incur more damage to the truck.
You really don't want to be involved in either of these accidents, or any for that matter. Slow and easy wins the race in this business. Learn to be cautious and careful, and you will always come out ahead out here. When the weather is severe, you are the captain of the ship. You will determine whether it is safe to drive or not, and as you advance in your skills and knowledge of how to handle a big rig, you will be able to handle more estreme situations that arise with your increased abilities.
One of the major things a truck driver has got to learn to be proficient at is risk management. There are inherent risks involved in this career, and every day is a case study in risk management. On severe weather days we may be dealing with a high level of risk management, on some days the level of risks may be much less, but there are always risks involved. I've watched newbies take out the hood of another truck just trying to make a simple right hand turn in a truck stop. That's what I mean about risk management. Each maneuver you make can have consequences if not done properly, and with care. When you are moving around in one of these gentle giants you have got to be constantly aware of what is going on around you, and you always need to know what is in the six spaces around your truck.
Those six spaces around your truck are the...
-Left Side
-Right Side
Below better be the asphalt. If not you are having a VERY bad day. ;)
Just trying to inject some levity.
Below better be the asphalt. If not you are having a VERY bad day. ;)
Just trying to inject some levity.
Oh i hear you on that one! NO ****!! LOL
Keep the shiny side up, as they say.
At Prime, a jack-knife won't get you fired, unless a bunch of other stuff happened as well or you've done it too much and are deemed a safety hazard. A rollover is immediate dismissal, regardless of circumstances.
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What's the difference between a rollover vs jackknife? Is one worse than the other? (Yes, I know both are bad.)