I keep lunchables and rev's in my fridge and a bunch of the little individual bags of chips. That's my lunch most days. And I always have bananas on the passenger seat for a quick snack if I get Hungary while rolling along. I am pretty cheap when it comes to acting out. Don't like to spend money but must admit I went in the flying j out here in Pennsylvania tonight and got a steak. It was surprisingly good
Robby, your post is eerily uncanny. The coincidence is remarkable. I'm doing the very exact same thing you are. At my receiver waiting for a new load, grabbing a bite to eat. Tuna, peanut butter & honey. New truck, no fridge or microwave yet.
Great minds, Brother....great minds!!!
My dinner a while ago! Chicken legs with rice and house salad!
Yes, I cook in my truck whatever I feel like eating! haha
Fridge is packed!!
Chicken legs with rice and house salad!
Most people would call the bottom of the chickens leg's the FEET!
Chicken legs with rice and house salad!
Most people would call the bottom of the chickens leg's the FEET!
Hahaha I'm so used calling it legs lmao! 😂😂 maybe because its long? Hahahaha
I call them toothbrushes lol ....... can I have some ? Flatie.... they are gelatinously hm hm goood
Chicken legs with rice and house salad!
Most people would call the bottom of the chickens leg's the FEET!
Hahaha I'm so used calling it legs lmao! 😂😂 maybe because its long? Hahahaha
Wow I think I am going to have to meet up with you flatie so I can have some of that chicken!! Especially as it looks like i am going to be going to U.S. Express! On April 5th. So can't wait.
Congratulations Victor!
Don't take the attitude that this is just a so called "starter company" that's giving you a chance. Brett went to work there as an experienced driver and stayed with them for six years. It's a fine organization and you can do very well there.
Ok Old School I will take the attitude that this will be an awesome experience!
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Yeah I bet it was good! I love philly cheese steaks!!! I will probably have one or two a week when I am out! Sounds really really possible that I will be out on the road soon! I am definitely buying a crock pot, electric frying pan and a slow cooker!