Nitrogen IS more stable at extreme doesn't expand and contract with heat or cold like air does and it's also "drier" in that it doesn't absorb water like air. ALL high altitude aircraft use nitrogen in their tires. Think about it..a jet travels at 35,000 feet where the temperature is many degrees below 0, then in a few short minutes it descends, and lands whereby the tires have to brake hard enough to slow it to a safe stop...the temperature difference in those few minutes is incredible..from below 0 to probably over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes..the auto industry is finally starting to embrace this technology, but it isn't anything new..the only problem is supply..Nitrogen isn't something you can just get anywhere and it IS more expensive as it is a "manufactured" gas.
That is the key. Its not readily available everywhere and its an expense that trucking companies will not go for.
I did a little stock car racing at the local track and we used nitrogen in the tires because it doesn't expand and contract as much as plain old air does. It holds less moisture, that's the key to it. If the air in your tires expands, it increases the air pressure in the tire and it's like having a slightly stiffer spring on that corner of your car. And race cars obviously do not put the same amount of pressure on all four tires during a run so certain tires would expand a lot more than others and the handling of the car would change quite a bit from the start of the run to the end.
But honestly, with a regular 4 wheeler it's not going to do you any good.
With a big rig it would help simply because of the extreme air pressures they run and the extreme pressure on the tires. You get rolling at 65 mph with 77,000 pounds on 150+ degree pavement in the hot Arizona sun and 120 pounds of air pressure in those tires, you're gonna know it when one of those tires explodes! So nitrogen wouldn't be a bad idea for extreme circumstances, but I wouldn't bother running home and putting it in the tires on a Honda Accord.
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Brett N. Us "old timers" are really glad that ya'll ASK the questions !!! Then we know that you want to go into this with all the knowledge you can get !! THAT makes us feel good. We want to see truckers out there that have a good ATTITUDE, both in their driving, their dealings with shippers and receivers, and with their fellow drivers. The truckers image is sooo bad, in the public. And one of the ways that it can be changed is to change the attitude of the new truckers. If we teach you nothing else, we want to teach you to be a PROFESSIONAL. If we get that across, our day is made. And it will help to imporve the image of truckers a little at a time. I'd like to see the day again, when truckers stopped to help 4 wheelers on the side of the road. I'd like to see the day when truckers, took the time to help rookie drivers back into that tight spot at a TS. I'd like to see the day when a trucker didn't have to be afraid of getting mugged when he walked to and from the TS. And, I'd like to see the day, when a LEO walks up to a trucker, and gets a smile, and a " how can I help you" from the driver. But its all about attitude. OUR attitude as Professionals, The attitude we receive when we deal with Shippers and receivers. The attitude we have when a LEO walks up to our truck...its all attitude..........
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.