Dan wrote:
Score: Complaining drivers and discerning recruits 1, Company “yes” men and other dumbasses 0
The above has zero relevance to you post. You were doing fine until you heaved the insults, again...which is the exact reason Brett banned you in the first place (by the way only he has the authority to ban someone and delete posts, no one else). It wasn't your argument countering driver facing cameras that got you in trouble, but how it was conducted; with arrogance, contempt, and disrespect. Not much different than your parting shot above.
Got anything else for us? Void of the insults? Something positive...? SOMETHING THAT MIGHT ACTUALLY HELP SOMEONE???
For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Expect Swift to impose tighter hiring practices and much more proactive, required on-going training. And yes, less leniency for unsafe practices.... We'll see how this plays out, soon enough you'll have a new Swift topic to complain about. Can't wait...
So did they remove the cameras because they were ineffective, or because too many drivers were complaining about it? Gee, that's a tough call if you've ever been around truck drivers. Being loudmouth, obnoxious complainers is literally what truckers are best known for.
It's funny because the overwhelming majority of people in this country are on camera every second they're at work and they don't cry about it. What's the big deal? Do your job right and you have nothing to worry about. I just don't get it.
Good for Swift. Somewhat curious if the cited reason is the real reason. They sure wasted a lot of money there.
And reading that post, it's not hard to see why you were banned lol. Lots of people were jerks on the pro-camera side too, which is why I stopped posting in that thread.
Matt asked:
Somewhat curious if the cited reason is the real reason.
That is the reason posted on the driver portal. Short, sweet. Not much more.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the whole purpose of having a driver facing camera was to protect the company from a negligent driver, or to protect a driver from false claims of reckless driving that could ultimately lead to termination of employment or even jail time.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the whole purpose of having a driver facing camera was to protect the company from a negligent driver, or to protect a driver from false claims of reckless driving that could ultimately lead to termination of employment or even jail time.
That's pretty much it, and maybe to allow for training opportunities to make drivers develop better habits or at least dissuade bad ones.
Maybe the reason they dumped them is the one they offered, and the downside outweighed the good. Or maybe they got caught in a liability issue they didn't foresee due to the cameras. No telling.
I think I'd rather have a camera showing 2 hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road if it meant keeping me out of jail....just my 2 cents.
Operating While Intoxicated
I really don't want to stir this pot again, but I understand what you wrote this way:
Brett (or one of the moderators) banned me because I persisted in making tortured logic and general speciousness arguments against driver facing cameras that exposed their logical and coherent arguments in favor of said cameras.
I drive for Swift. The was a camera on my dashboard yesterday. I'll be sure to check again today. I'll add an update when I get to work. Also, not a peep was heard in the driver lounge or from my DM.
Finally, insurance requirements and liability considerations drown out "driver discontent and lagging recruitment efforts" every time.
I really don't want to stir this pot again, but I understand what you wrote this way:
Brett (or one of the moderators) banned me because I persisted in making tortured logic and general speciousness arguments against driver facing cameras that exposed their logical and coherent arguments in favor of said cameras.
I drive for Swift. The was a camera on my dashboard yesterday. I'll be sure to check again today. I'll add an update when I get to work. Also, not a peep was heard in the driver lounge or from my DM.
Finally, insurance requirements and liability considerations drown out "driver discontent and lagging recruitment efforts" every time.
Errol, they are still physically there, the upload feature is disabled. Forward facing camera will record and upload if triggered like it always has. Nothing has changed with that.
I asked one of of my DMs when I saw the post on here earlier, he comfirmed it then I looked on the driver portal, the notice is there.
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Hey all.
I used to post here until I got banned during a discussion about driver facing cameras at Swift. Brett (or one of the moderators) banned me because I persisted in making logical and coherent arguments against driver facing cameras that exposed the tortured logic and general speciousness of their arguments in favor of said cameras. Well, in case you haven’t heard the news, Swift has finally relented (as some of us knew they would, eventually) and is removing the driver facing cameras from their trucks (forward facing remains). They cite the resulting driver discontent and lagging recruitment efforts as reasons for the change in policy.
Score: Complaining drivers and discerning recruits 1, Company “yes” men and other dumbasses 0