Bill, I completely agree with Rainy and MurdersPollyWog, first and foremost "use your head", apply good common sense. I would go one step further and recommend that you do not make any calls while you are driving during your road training. Turn the phone off, check it on your breaks.
Invest in a really good hands-free, noise cancelling headset that enables voice dialing. I have a Blue Parrot B250-XT, 2 years it, synchs with my i-phone contact data base for making hands-free calls. Never had a problem with it.
Good luck.
Thank you sir, and I agree it needs to be only on an emergency type (not totally) basis they call me. I have a PLT Legend now and seems to work good I will look into your brand though as this PLT is getting some age on it. Thanks again for the reply.
Bill, I completely agree with Rainy and MurdersPollyWog, first and foremost "use your head", apply good common sense. I would go one step further and recommend that you do not make any calls while you are driving during your road training. Turn the phone off, check it on your breaks.
Invest in a really good hands-free, noise cancelling headset that enables voice dialing. I have a Blue Parrot B250-XT, 2 years it, synchs with my i-phone contact data base for making hands-free calls. Never had a problem with it.
Good luck.
Oh yeah..what G Town said. Not during training. I used my headset to listen to music during training but not talking. If you need to zone out from music its no big deal, but talking to a spouse and not paying attention can cause arguments unless you explain to your spouse you need to concentrate while driving and might not listen totally. Music on the other hand calmed me during training.
When it comes to what is safer, making a call or pulling off the just showed me a safety video where they want us to set the radio and make calls before we start driving. And basically suggest never taking your hands off the steering wheel unless to shift until you park. Funny since they gave us thermos holders and cup holders but don't want us using them lol
Funny since they gave us thermos holders and cup holders but don't want us using them lol
Right? Haha
I can think with a trainer you need NO distractions absolutely for sure. I can certainly go 4 or 6 weeks without talking to much of anyone as I want to be aware of all the trainer is showing me. That's funny about the thermos and cup holders, perhaps a 3 foot long flexi-straw ?? hee hee hee hee hee... thanks for the info Rainy, I really appreciate your time to reply.
Oh yeah..what G Town said. Not during training. I used my headset to listen to music during training but not talking. If you need to zone out from music its no big deal, but talking to a spouse and not paying attention can cause arguments unless you explain to your spouse you need to concentrate while driving and might not listen totally. Music on the other hand calmed me during training.
When it comes to what is safer, making a call or pulling off the just showed me a safety video where they want us to set the radio and make calls before we start driving. And basically suggest never taking your hands off the steering wheel unless to shift until you park. Funny since they gave us thermos holders and cup holders but don't want us using them lol
Operating While Intoxicated
Funny since they gave us thermos holders and cup holders but don't want us using them lol
Right? Haha
Bill, some companies train in teams. At Prime you team after you get your CDL so the training consists of learning pick up and drop off procedures, dealing with customers and bills, balancing weights, dealing with the reefer/flat bed securement/ tanker loading/unloading and practicing more driving. Fueling, trip planning, and backing should all be involved too.
Basically the trainer is asleep while you drive. And the newbie gets a ton of practice driving while having a "safety net" of a trainer he can wake up. We each drove 550 miles per day so yes I needed some entertainment. Teams.can run from CA to FL in a few days, so only one pick up or delivery every couple days. Not every moment is learning from the trainer. A lot of it is gaining experience by handling the rig on your own. And I'll tell ya, I felt a lot less pressure with the trainer asleep than next to me.
And regardless of how long your training is, a smart driver still doesn't feel prepared to go solo. Lol think about it.,.you get a few months of training but it takes six months for the backing to "click".
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A refrigerated trailer.
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Thanks to this site I am finding a few more outfits (and obviously I only need one to hire on to) that appears to allow hands free usage. My gut tells me I'll end up going that way. I used to be in a position that was dangerous and required total focus and concentration so I understand your idea of not allowing myself to be distracted at critical times. Thank you for your input.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
Operating While Intoxicated