Ok I started this with a profile I got locked out the email for and just read the replies. there is always exceptions to the rule but I think most of the truckers on YouTube today are like those drivers that tell stories at the truck stops in the day and fight on the cb at night. honestly if social media was around when I started in 96 I would have had 2nd and 3rd thoughts about getting into it and I'm 2nd generation. by the way I stared with Direct Transit Inc. in 96 and got paid after training $.215cpm and 7 years later when I left cannon express was making $.37cpm. Now im with kllm on a dedicated guaranteed mileage at $.48 my average gross check this year has been $1050 with 2 days home a week..js
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
I remember watching that video. If I'm remembering right the driver was complaining that after he completed his 10hr break his dispatcher told him to take another 10hr break because they didn't have a load. So after a 20hr break he is sent a load, but he was up for the past 10hrs and is now tired. So he catches himself falling asleep going down the road and pulls over.
Dispatch is ****ed that this driver just got off a 20hr break and is claiming he is to tired to drive. Told him to get out on the side of the road and run some laps or do some jumping jacks to wake up so he can drive on.
Failure by the driver to plan and be properly rested.
Failure by the dispatcher to try and force a driver to drive in an unsafe manner.
Bad situation all around.
There was a Video of a fellow, who was told to Drive when he was MicroSleeping. I am not saying how he set the stage for running was right, that's on Him... but his carrier would not have fixed a serious problem with their Night dispatch or their safety department if he had not taken the steps to make it Public. As a Solo Driver we have little power. But These folks are giving us a Zetgeist, a United Public Persona & voice.
Big Ups to my YouTubers. Who's Driving Hard? #Cheers
I enjoy the videos posted by Indiana Jack, Red Viking, Long haul Larry, and trucker josh and just started watching some trainer from Prime who has a channel, great info i think, there are some where people just cry and whine, that's with any job, its what you make of it and your attitude play a huge part in any job, I don't listen to the negativity, I want the truth, that's why I love this site, People who I admire on this site are Big Scott, Rainy, Old School, Turtle, Brett and G-town, enjoy your readings and you all have one thing in common your attitude is spot on, you would be successful in any career, you have a great work ethic and take the good with the bad and keep rolling.
Wow, Abe shows up everywhere.
I remember watching that video. If I'm remembering right the driver was complaining that after he completed his 10hr break his dispatcher told him to take another 10hr break because they didn't have a load. So after a 20hr break he is sent a load, but he was up for the past 10hrs and is now tired. So he catches himself falling asleep going down the road and pulls over.
Dispatch is ****ed that this driver just got off a 20hr break and is claiming he is to tired to drive. Told him to get out on the side of the road and run some laps or do some jumping jacks to wake up so he can drive on.
Failure by the driver to plan and be properly rested.
Failure by the dispatcher to try and force a driver to drive in an unsafe manner.
Bad situation all around.
There was a Video of a fellow, who was told to Drive when he was MicroSleeping. I am not saying how he set the stage for running was right, that's on Him... but his carrier would not have fixed a serious problem with their Night dispatch or their safety department if he had not taken the steps to make it Public. As a Solo Driver we have little power. But These folks are giving us a Zetgeist, a United Public Persona & voice.
Big Ups to my YouTubers. Who's Driving Hard? #Cheers
About the only YouTube trucker I watch is Trucker Wayne. Good attitude and from what I can tell good advice.
Wow, Abe shows up everywhere.
Was he a member here at some point?
No I don't believe Abe ever was. I think Brett tried getting him on here to respond to that video. He would of ripped into Abe 6 ways to Sunday.
Was he a member here at some point?
Not hardly! Look guys, how many of you, when too tired to drive, will purposely set up your video equipment and get the sound all working just the way you want it so that you can record a phone call with your driver manager , and then use carefully chosen words, like "Micro-sleep" in your discussion so that you can completely set up a fake situation to make your company look bad? I have no respect for this type of trucker/youtuber. They are a dime a dozen, and if any of them would put in the effort at trucking that they put into trying to make the industry look bad, they just might discover how great this job is.
Here's a link to a former discussion in here on Abe's ten minutes of fame. That is all it got him. He's not even a trucker anymore to my knowledge. It is a great discussion though, and worthy of your time if you are unfamiliar with this whole scenario.
A Discussion About The Infamous Nut Called "Abe"
Was he a member here at some point?
Not hardly! Look guys, how many of you, when too tired to drive, will purposely set up your video equipment and get the sound all working just the way you want it so that you can record a phone call with your driver manager , and then use carefully chosen words, like "Micro-sleep" in your discussion so that you can completely set up a fake situation to make your company look bad? I have no respect for this type of trucker/youtuber. They are a dime a dozen, and if any of them would put in the effort at trucking that they put into trying to make the industry look bad, they just might discover how great this job is.
Here's a link to a former discussion in here on Abe's ten minutes of fame. That is all it got him. He's not even a trucker anymore to my knowledge. It is a great discussion though, and worthy of your time if you are unfamiliar with this whole scenario.
I can believe he isn't a trucker. If I were his boss, once I got that load taken care of I would have sent a driver to pick up his truck and fired him
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There is a need to educate the public on how we work, & the lives we live. I came out of a Military background; I am more a fan of solutions and answers, than trying to cry about what's wrong.
There's a Drivers shortage; it's those YouTubers who inspired me by sharing their experiences, to join the industry. There's a Issue with Pay & Benefits; They publicize our stories & give voice to the topics, on a forum through which we can as a Community Come together & work for change. The image of the Trucker of old, some lone wolf fellow hauling freight & getting away from his demons at home (be they warrants or other problems) is progressively being Put to Bed thanks to the YouTube generation.
There was a Video of a fellow, who was told to Drive when he was MicroSleeping. I am not saying how he set the stage for running was right, that's on Him... but his carrier would not have fixed a serious problem with their Night dispatch or their safety department if he had not taken the steps to make it Public. As a Solo Driver we have little power. But These folks are giving us a Zetgeist, a United Public Persona & voice.
If you have no issue with meager pay & being seen as a dreg, ok... or even if you just complacent & happy with where your at, alright. But I will say YouTube is helping our industry More than its hurting. When someone brings up automated Trucks, I show them the videos of Backing, of Driving in New York Traffic, of Trucker Josh & Allie Knight, of Trucker Brown & J. Canell... I show them what we do daily as reason I am secure in myself & in my industry.
If your here to Player Hate, cool, do you Boo Boo. But I am here to Move Freight & congratulate. As a Philosopher once said "I'm here to Kick Ass & Chew Bubble Gum, & I am all out of Bubblelicious".
Big Ups to my YouTubers. Who's Driving Hard? #Cheers
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