5-9-17 Day 12 Part 2: I am in school until May 19th. The following Monday is the first day of orientation. Orientation is four days. Then it's out with a trainer for 7500 miles. Thanks for all the support and encouragement from my TT family. I will keep this thread going until I upgraded to solo driver. I spent this afternoon relaxing and I'm treating myself to a nice dinner tonight.
Operating While Intoxicated
Awesome! Great day to day diary. Glad everything is going good!
5-10-17 Day 13: Thanks Aaron.
Today I helped some of the newer people. Plus, I relaxed a bit. After lunch my classmate and I took a truck and practiced different types of backing. Tomorrow we are supposed to have thunderstorms, so we'll go driving and start to learn to float the gears. One of the other guys finally passed the yard part of his CDL. He failed the road test because he curbed the trailer. To help him out, the school hooked the truck up to a PUP trailer to test with in the morning. We should have another at two more pass their CDL test tomorrow. That's about all for now.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
An expression used to describe someone who is shifting gears without using the clutch at all. Drivers are taught to "Double Clutch" or press and release the clutch twice for each gear shift. If you're floating gears it means you're simply shifting without using the clutch at all.
5-11-17 Day 13: I started the day with a headache which came and went. At school we started helping the newer people with their pre-trips. Then myself and 3 others went driving. I went first. The instructor was teaching us to float gears as well as work with us on our basic driving skills. After lunch we went driving again. So, I spent most of today in a truck. The guy in the class in front of us passed his CDL this morning. By the end of the day thunderstorms rolled in. To top it off I feel like I'm getting a cold. Also today, my recruiter sent me my orientation email. I start orientation on 5-22-17. I am very excited and looking forward to that. That's about all for.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
An expression used to describe someone who is shifting gears without using the clutch at all. Drivers are taught to "Double Clutch" or press and release the clutch twice for each gear shift. If you're floating gears it means you're simply shifting without using the clutch at all.
A truck drivers DAC report will contain detailed information about their job history of the last 10 years as a CDL driver (as required by the DOT).
It may also contain your criminal history, drug test results, DOT infractions and accident history. The program is strictly voluntary from a company standpoint, but most of the medium-to-large carriers will participate.
Most trucking companies use DAC reports as part of their hiring and background check process. It is extremely important that drivers verify that the information contained in it is correct, and have it fixed if it's not.
5-12-17 Day 15: First, I just noticed that I wrote yesterday was day 13 it was day 14. Idiot moment. :)
This morning the weather was cloudy. I started again by helping some of the newer students with their pre-trips. Then it was time to go driving. Two newer students, my classmate and I went driving. I drove first. The two newer people did OK for their first time out on the road. It's always a little scary that first time. Each time I drive I improve more and more. At lunch one of my instructors came in to tell me he found this diary on line and he liked it. He was surprised I hadn't been trash talking him the whole time. I told him I didn't want to scare people away. lol. At this school everyone has a good sense of humor. After lunch I went driving again with two different newer students. Again I drove first. These two did very well. It was not there first time, but the learning jitters are still there. They were both shifting pretty good and handling the truck well. The weather after lunch was beautiful and it's supposed to stay that way until Wednesday or Thursday. Today is the end of week three for me. This time next week, I'll be heading to orientation. That's about all for now.
5-15-17 Day 16: Here is the practice yard at Truck Dynasty Driving Academy.
This morning we went driving. I'm still quite nervous in traffic. My shifting and handling is getting better. This afternoon they're using all the trucks on the yard, so I'm just relaxing. At this point in my training things are not as exciting to talk about because, it's more of the same each day. Looking forward to starting orientation on Monday. That's all for now.
Are you still driving? The positive people on the "net" says it gets better with expereince, then you run into the ones thinking it's a free lunch ticket, or get rich quick
4-24-17 Day 1: First off there are three people in my class and I am the only one from CFI. The other two are on their own dimes. We all have our permits, so we won't be spending class time going over that. We started out filling out paperwork and watching a video on sexual harrassment. Then the other two had to go do drug tests and physicals. When they came back it was time for lunch. When you go to training through CFI you get $15.00 per day for meals. It's not much, but it can be streatched. The only place to eat near the school is the truck stop across the street. They have a restaurant and convenience store. After lunch there was a video which covered CDL/CMV basics. Much of the stuff you need to know for your permit. The next video was on log books. After each video was an easy quiz, based on the video and discussion. The quiz could be answered while watching the video. The last section was trip planning. We used the Rand McNally road atlas for that. We have to finish that up in the morning. Then it's out to the range. They have late model KWs with 10 speed transmissions. He said we'll start with backing and may go on the road in the afternoon. We will get the opportunity to work with all of the instructors. They want us to learn quickly and they will help us as much as we may need. Also, they gave us a copy of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. As far as pre trip goes, they will give us a sheet to study and it's up to us to learn it. They will help us as much as we need. We just have to ask. That's all for day one. Day 2 starts at 07:00. I'll get picked up at around 06:45.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A CMV is a vehicle that is used as part of a business, is involved in interstate commerce, and may fit any of these descriptions:
I'm in school until Friday May 19th. I start orientation Monday May 22nd. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
5-16-17 Day 16: Beautiful weather today. This morning, as usual, I helped some of the newer people with their pre-trips. Then I got to uncouple and re-couple a trailer. After that I relaxed. I called my home state DMV and found out they have my test results from Missouri in their system already. All I need to do is go to any DMV office in the state to pay for my licence. The rest of the day I relaxed, helped some people, and relaxed. I did a trip plan and tomorrow, I'm supposed to go drive it. It's about a two hour round trip. I'm excited about that. Other than that, I'm just counting down the days of this final week of school. That's about all for now.
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
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Excellent Scott. Congrats. I'm right behind you. I'm off to CFI on June 27 to start school. Be well.