MM are you still training new drivers? How does CRST train, meaning is there a couple days you guys run solo so you can observe or are you given someone who just got their CDL and run as team immediately. How long is training? Before you were training how many different co-drivers did you go through before you found one that you guys were able to get along (not saying it as a bad thing) and be able to both be happy with each others performance. Too often with teaming we hear about co-drivers being lazy and not wanting to do as much so their resentment grows and teams split quite frequently. Either way i really love that you've documented your journey so others can see that CRST isnt a terrible place to work. Teaming is not for everyone but you seem to enjoy it
Go figure I'll be in CR tomorrow morning and you're long gone :P. A couple months ago I seen you were 2 miles away (residential area) while I delivered to one of our stores there but it was also 1am haha. One of these times I'll be lucky enough.
For right now I am still training new drivers. My current student is the best I have ever had so far.
The training "program" basically is this:
Minimum 21 days on a Lead Drivers truck for a student up to a preferred maximum of 28 days and 10K PAID and DH combined miles for the truck. Trainers at CRST are called Lead Drivers. 1st 3 days minimum hopefully not to exceed 5 days is the solo phase. That is where we are supposed to get a solo general freight load of at least 2k paid miles and run with that. During this phase the student does absolutely EVERYTHING on that truck with me showing them and them actually doing it after I show them. Also during the training period, I am supposed to document 10 straight line backs and 15 90/offset/angle backs. I try to have those knocked out during that first week. Then I can certify them on backing and they won't have to wake me up when we go team status unless they need me to spot them in.
After the solo phase we upgrade them to Lead Driver/Student Team status. At that stage this is where I have let my DM know that I am confident enough in my students abilities to drive and back to where I can sleep in the sleeper berth while they are driving. During this phase we are trying to get them the rest of their 10K miles and their remainder of their 21 to 28 days. I personally feel the training program is way too rushed there so this is why after my current student is upgraded, I will be stepping down and going back to bein a normal co driver.
I have been very fortunate to only have 2 co drivers with CRST so far. Almost everyone I have trained and co driven with I have gotten along with except one notable exception which I don't wish to talk about here.
As I stated in another thread on here a while back and Rob I do believe it was you that requested it, I absolutely live to team. I love having that extra set of eyes in the truck in case I need help. I feel much safer teaming than I would be goin solo.
Request Granted: How I feel about teaming.
There's the thread I referenced earlier. Hopefully this answers everything you wanted to know about the training process at CRST.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
The portion of the tractor behind the seats which acts as the "living space" for the driver. It generally contains a bed (or bunk beds), cabinets, lights, temperature control knobs, and 12 volt plugs for power.
Operating While Intoxicated
When it comes to finding a partner , How does that work ? Does CRST help drivers in need of one find each other or do you ask around throughout the ranks ? I'd figure that since it's a team company that they would have some sort of system for this .
When it comes to finding a partner , How does that work ? Does CRST help drivers in need of one find each other or do you ask around throughout the ranks ? I'd figure that since it's a team company that they would have some sort of system for this .
Your DM aka your Driver Manager will get you a list of available co drivers that are lookin for co drivers in your area that you can call and interview from and select from there.
Thanks , How do you guys plan/ coordinate your home time ? Or if someone has an emergency and needs to get back . I.E . One partner needs to get home time to see famliy but other partner would like to stay out or has no family and wants home time out on the road . Curious how you handle the tricky situations.
Any updates on how things are going?
Thanks , How do you guys plan/ coordinate your home time ? Or if someone has an emergency and needs to get back . I.E . One partner needs to get home time to see famliy but other partner would like to stay out or has no family and wants home time out on the road . Curious how you handle the tricky situations.
Driver Manager handles all that.
Any updates on how things are going?
Nothin interestin to report just been really busy. Still with CRST and currently still trainin drivers. I’m continuing to live my life’s mission.
I’m continuing to live my life’s mission.
I love that attitude!
It's great to hear from you!
I’m continuing to live my life’s mission.
I love that attitude!
It's great to hear from you!
Same here OS. Wish ya was here with me but I see from the tracker that you are 1300 miles away from me.
Million, I started reading your diary today and its excellent! Thank you. Out of curiosity does the DOT driving test include all versions of backing when you test?
Thanks, Frank
After lunch, I got onto the Backing range and did a PERFECT Straight line back and NAILED an offset back for the first time in 2+ yrs. That really made me feel great. I didn't get to do the DREADED 90 today, however I sure hope to get to attempt it again tomorrow.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
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MM are you still training new drivers? How does CRST train, meaning is there a couple days you guys run solo so you can observe or are you given someone who just got their CDL and run as team immediately. How long is training? Before you were training how many different co-drivers did you go through before you found one that you guys were able to get along (not saying it as a bad thing) and be able to both be happy with each others performance. Too often with teaming we hear about co-drivers being lazy and not wanting to do as much so their resentment grows and teams split quite frequently. Either way i really love that you've documented your journey so others can see that CRST isnt a terrible place to work. Teaming is not for everyone but you seem to enjoy it
Go figure I'll be in CR tomorrow morning and you're long gone :P. A couple months ago I seen you were 2 miles away (residential area) while I delivered to one of our stores there but it was also 1am haha. One of these times I'll be lucky enough.
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: