Wish you all the best. Lancaster is my home terminal and am currently out with a mentor.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Thanks Serah D. Luck to you with your mentor. Hope all is going well. Much time left?
-Traffic Jam
Good luck to Traffic and Serah!
Just remember to be patient and tolerant. This is the actual hard part of your training. The academy gave you basic skills. Now time to practice those basics and learn the actual "Job".
When you get frustrated, please stop back, we'll do our best to talk you off the ledge.
Will do, MC!
It's all temporary, and and I will take one day at a time, one week at a time, one back up at a time, etc.
I will not worry about the time, it will take care of itself. Just concentrate on today, now.
-Traffic Jam
Have fun. Look forward to your tales from the road! Be safe!
Ok, stuff stowed away and I am ready to leave for Swift Transportation Orientation. I'll drive down to Lancaster tomorrow, orientation starts the next day, 6/14/17.
I wonder when I could consider myself a "Swifty". First day of orientation? Or, at end of mentor training? Do we spell it: "Swifty" or "Swiftie"?? ☺
I know I am placed on payroll on day two of orienation..... I think one could consider himself a swifty who is on "probation", and in the end, once mentoring is complete and I receive a tractor to use I could then consider myself a full fledged (rookie) Swifty. ???!?!!!?
-Traffic Jam
I wonder when I could consider myself a "Swifty"
You are a Swifty when somebody posts videos of you trying in vain to back your truck into a dock!
Of course I am joking...
When you get assigned your own truck, it all is official. At that point you are an employee, a rookie solo driver, a Swifty, a nervous wreck, and maybe a little sick at your stomach! Don't worry, it all gets better from there. I know a few Swiftys that are really proud of that title. I hope you can turn out to be one of them.
Good luck! Keep us posted on your progress. It's very gratifying to read the success stories in here.
I thought it was supposed to be a video of taking a 14' tall trailer thru a 13'8" overpass.
I thought it was supposed to be a video of taking a 14' tall trailer thru a 13'8" overpass.
You mean taking a 13' 6" trailer and somehow hitting a 14-foot bridge...
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I have just completed my CDL training at Swift's Corsicana Academy in Texas this 6/9/17. I am to report to Orientation at the Lancaster Terminal at/near/in Dallas, Texas on 6/14/17. I am starting this log now and if you wish to read my CDL Training Diary on TT go to the CDL Training Diaries, and find "Swift Diary". Last entry there was 6/10/17. :-)
I am looking forward to Orientation. Find out about Swift, get my docs in order to be an employee, and do some more training on Swift Reqs/procedures and all, and finally go out with mentor if all goes well.
-Traffic Jam
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.