Being in financial trouble never bodes well for any company. It is what it is. They could survive this and come back strong or they could be slowly circling the drain and waiting for the plug to get pulled. I know they recently raised driver pay to entice drivers from jumping ship.
Whether the risk is worth it to you or not is your call. I personally wouldn't hire on with a company in their position until the they prove they are sticking around awhile longer. When trucking companies go under bad things happen to the drivers. For a worst case you can look up Arrow Trucking. One of the worst as far as being handled the wrong way. Several people went to jail over their doors closing.
Appreciate the advice, Patrick. Thank you. It made me pretty wary, I must say. Think I'll pass.
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Permit holder looking into Celadon CDL training. Found a couple recent articles about them having financial issues. Should this concern me or does this happen often in the industry?
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Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: