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Turning 50 in less than a year. Considering trucking for the rest of my working years. No, I have never trucked. Sure would like some input and questions as long as I can reciprocate.
I started in my early 50s. If you are healthy age isn't a negative factor.
Thanks fellers!! I will start reading and digging in more.
I started at 41 and there were people in my class wat way older than me.
I love it!! Even as a company driver I have a ton more freedom than my "normal" job had in the past.
Good luck and ask away
I'm 49. Finishing the training phase of career now. I'm fit and healthy..For the most The challenge I see it to stay that way. I've seen many resources out there to help with fitness. My company has access to a "Health Coach" which is cool. After I'm done with training I plan to get a routine going. Good luck!
I started at 53. You're in great company around here and throughout the industry too. What I find refreshing is there is no age discrimination in Trucking, unlike so many other types of jobs. Actually in this career, being too young or younger can be a disadvantage lol.
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Turning 50 years old in less than a year. Considering trucking for the rest of my working years. No, I have never trucked. Sure would like some input and questions as long as I can reciprocate.