Sleepwear On The Road

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Lucky Life's Comment
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Did a search but didn't find my answer. Forget the training part of the equation, I am talking Solo here. So I run my day then it's time to bed down for the night, maybe I get a shower but probably not every day. Do ya'll sleep in your driving cloths or change into something Comfy like shorts and a T, maybe jogging pants and a hoodie during the colder months. Sleeping well is a very important part of being a Safe OTR Driver and I thought, Hey how do the Pro's do it. I can only imagine what type of emergency could creep up that you need to be ON 24/7 but nobody feels good sleeping in Jeans and a Polo.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Pete B.'s Comment
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Comfy clothes. I think I've only fallen asleep a couple of times wearing jeans, and I didn't mean to, I just laid down for a minute, and that minute became 5 or 6 hours.

Chris L.'s Comment
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When my girlfriend rides with me we sleep in our birthday suits sometimes 😏

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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At the customer I do "real clothes" but usually a night shirt if I know in won't be bothered.

I saw a truck in the lot catch on fire and the gguy had only his BVDs on. Luckily for me..he was pretty hot. Sad for him he lost everything. Was weird he said truck was parked an hour.

Fatsquatch 's Comment
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I pull the curtains and strip down to my skivvies, same as I do at home. I've never been a sleepwear person.

Dan R.'s Comment
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Tee shirt and boxers for me. I find it very difficult to sleep in anything else(more OR less). Generally with some pants ready to go next to bunk for if the need arises.

ChickieMonster's Comment
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I change into sweats or leggings depending on the temperature in the truck. I don't like sleeping in shorts but I'll put them on temporarily until the truck cools down.

I am guilty of not changing into jeans if I know I have just a driving day and don't plan on going inside except for the bathroom.

Big Scott's Comment
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I sleep in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. With my clothes on the back of the driver's seat. If I have to jump out in an emergency, I'm dressed and have real clothes in hand. I have slept in my clothes at a customer's. Want to be respectable when they knock on the door. I also was so tired one night, I didn't have the energy to change. So, your answer is, whatever you're comfortable with.

BQ 's Comment
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I am always in comfy wear, shorts and white t's when warm. Sweats and hoodie when cold. Always a decent pair of sneakers as well. It's always clean and shower almost every day, may miss a day here and there. Anybody who says it's not feasible to shower almost every day just doesn't want to. I run solid miles but have to take a 10 every day, if plan on sleeping at customer or somewhere I don't expect a shower to be available, I grab one on my 30. Flying J/Pilot has shower power (1/day after 1000 gallons of fuel for rest of month and following month), as long as you keep it rolling over, easy peasy. The other major truck stops also credit you free showers for fuel which I use from time to time. I believe loves also has shower power like program, I just prefer Flying J because they are generally much bigger.


Operating While Intoxicated

Parrothead66's Comment
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Shorts or briefs when sleeping 😴😴

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