Nosing In. I Still Just Don't Get It!

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Susan D. 's Comment
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That's exactly the kind of crap that irritates me lol. And say the spots are in a corner and some lowlife noses in and other trucks are already backed in. Said ******bag now has several trucks completely blocked in and unable to leave.

Dan R.'s Comment
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Always someone worse, though. What drives me up the walls are the people that park along the curb perpendicular to the space. Basically rather than backing they're taking up as many as eight spaces. Nosing in kind of annoys me, too, but mostly because it reminds me of the time I'd stopped by the TA by my house on the way home and some fuel so I didn't have to worry about it after leaving home and had a super trucker O/O come up yelling about how "didn't you see me backing up?!" Yeah. I saw ya, which is why I kept my distance. But if you're relying on other people watching out so you don't hit them, no matter what you're doing in this, you're doing something wrong.

That said, I'm a bit of a hypocrite. If it's been a long, hard day(you know the ones), I'll certainly be a lot more likely to be lazy if I see a spot I can nose in that would take more effort to back into, if it's a set-up that's decent for getting back out. As I've gotten more experience, though, I realize those times are quite few and far between. The ones I'd usually pick are also ones that are ideal for straight line, with all the room in the world for set-up.


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Michael V.'s Comment
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I am nose in at the pilot in mcdonald tn now. It is quiet and peaceful. No loud radio or tv or video games next door and i have a great view of a field instead of a bunch of trucks. I nose every time i can.

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