Reserved Parking

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Sgt. Diddly's Comment
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What’s up with half of the parking in TA’s being reserved? Do people just move the cones or are they actually paying? I’ve seen tons of drivers just get out and move them and I’m genuinely curious.

Old School's Comment
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They're actually paying. If not they will be contacted and asked to leave by the store personnel. All the truck stops that are taking reservations like that have a phone app or a way to call in for reservations. They are keeping track of who pays and who doesn't.

Errol V.'s Comment
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I've bought parking a few times. (About $20) It's not really an honor system.

Once or twice a guard walks through the reserved parking checking for the receipt you have to stick in the window.


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Pete B.'s Comment
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What I don’t get is that I’ve seen drivers pull into a reserved spot at 2 in the afternoon, when the lot is half-empty.

Errol V.'s Comment
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What I don’t get is that I’ve seen drivers pull into a reserved spot at 2 in the afternoon, when the lot is half-empty.

Reason #1: When the lot is half empty, there's no issue about where to park.

Reason #2: Stopping at 2pm for a 30 minute break isn't the same as parking to take 10 hours off.

The guards I mentioned came around about 7pm, as the truck stop is filling up.

Pete B.'s Comment
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So those drivers haven’t really reserved those spots then? Sorry for appearing dense, but I’m a little irritated to learn that... it’s like the able-bodied jerks who park in the handicapped spaces ‘just for a minute’ because they’re too lazy to park in the common spaces and walk a hundred feet.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Sgt. Diddly's Comment
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I understand the point of reserved parking, but to the point of literally half the lot is ridiculous. I figured at that point some of the guys were saying screw it and just sliding in. It’s the TA west of Columbus Ohio off I-70. It’s just crazy

PackRat's Comment
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That's because they forgot to take their 30 minute break on the fuel island, Pete!rofl-3.gif

Errol V.'s Comment
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Pete wonders:

So those drivers haven’t really reserved those spots then? Sorry for appearing dense, but I’m a little irritated to learn that...

As noted, freeloaders will be asked to leave/towed in the evening. Check out your choices:

Situation A (good planning, calm living) :

I can make Columbus by 11:00, but I'll barely have 45 minutes on my clock. But if I spend the $20, I'll have a guaranteed spot and can easily get to my 10:30am delivery*. Thank goodness for TA's reserved spots!

Situation B (lousy planning, stressful living):

Dang! I've spent the last hour looking for a parking spot in three truck stops in Columbus. Nothing! And only 45 minutes left on my time! I guess I'll have to shell out 20 bucks here the TA so I don't violate HOS. I have to make a delivery tomorrow.

(*This is an example of HOS living. Your daily 11 hours drive time is up by 11:45pm. You stop at 11. 10 hours break means you can start pre-trip by 9am, then drive to your final.)


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Old School's Comment
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It’s the TA west of Columbus Ohio off I-70. It’s just crazy

That's a very busy area for Truck parking. It's the old supply and demand thing. People are a lot more willing to pay for parking in an area like that, therefore the truck stop can get away with it. There are some areas of the country where you will be required to pay to park even for non-reserved parking.

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