Welcome to the forums.
As for the 50/50 lesson. Keep in mind, that for every bad review, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied drivers earning Good paychecks with those companies. I work for Swift. I love it here. Swift did not get as big as it is, by being a bad company.
The best thing you could have done, is come to this site. There are so many resources at your disposal.
These are just a few. Ask any questions, and make yourself at home, here.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
So I just figured out my cellphone, didn’t post everything. I’m wondering if anyone her has experience with Rhoel, and just seeing if you guys have some more advice for a new starter.
Welcome to the forums.
As for the 50/50 lesson. Keep in mind, that for every bad review, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of satisfied drivers earning Good paychecks with those companies. I work for Swift. I love it here. Swift did not get as big as it is, by being a bad company.
The best thing you could have done, is come to this site. There are so many resources at your disposal.
- Truck Driver's Career Guide
- Brett's Book: The Raw Truth About Trucking (free online version)
- High Road CDL Training Program
- CDL Practice Tests
High Road CDL Training ProgramPaid CDL Training ProgramsTruck Driver's Career GuideBecoming A Truck Driver: The Raw Truth About Truck Driving
These are just a few. Ask any questions, and make yourself at home, here.
Thank you and I know there’s always the good the bad and the ugly😂 my take on Swift is that with a big company, there’s more drivers that others can judge about. So the negative will come up, but if you put it in perspective it’s like any other company with good and bad drivers and situations. I looked into Swift too, my attempt with Roehl is mostly that everything is taken care off l, food and stay. Besides you get payed after the 3rd week with them. Maybe you could enlighten me more on the Swift cdl Programm. I know there’s a section her for all the company’s that have cdl training, but things change fast. All information is appreciated.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Welcome papa bear. I started my driving career at Roehl 4 yrs ago. Their school was top notch at that time. I have no reason to think it has slipped. They are a good company, my ood recruiter keeps trying to get me too return. They are picky, however apply good judgement to each case in their evaluation to accept someone or not. I left for better oppurtunity that fit me personally not because they were a bad company. I have recommended their school to several people. I wrote a training diary back then in that section. Hopefully someone with more current info will chime in.
Welcome to the forum. I too got my career started with Swift and I have zero complaints. People like to bash Swift for a variety of reasons but try to focus on the positive. If you work for the biggest company in the business you'll naturally have truckings biggest support staff backing you up. AND all of the freight you can handle. As long as you're out there getting it done they will keep you running. Despite all of the naysayers Swift actually has a good safety rating. It's a numbers game. With as many drivers as they have out there, theyre naturally going to have more attention and more incidents simply because they have more new drivers out there. But there are thousands upon thousands of us out there every day operating safely. They also have a variety of dedicated accounts. Dry van , reefer , even flatbed.
While they don't actually pay you while you're getting your cdl you begin getting paid as soon as you have it. Orientation pays and you start getting an hourly wage once you get on a mentors truck and start driving. I was making roughly $600-700 a week during the 200 training hours with my mentor.
There's a bunch of Swift drivers running around here if you have any further questions. Hopefully Roehl works out for you but if not Swift is a solid option.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
A refrigerated trailer.
What pool were you swimming in?
Reading bad reviews from drivers who were likely let go has little to-do with wisdom. Sour grapes is where it starts...
I've been with Swift over five years...that in itself should tell you something about the type of company they are and how they treat their drivers.
What pool were you swimming in?
Reading bad reviews from drivers who were likely let go has little to-do with wisdom. Sour grapes is where it starts...
I've been with Swift over five years...that in itself should tell you something about the type of company they are and how they treat their drivers.
You all are the pool of wisdom, that @ the moment I’m swimming in. Keep the good information coming. Thank you everyone
You all are the pool of wisdom, that @ the moment I’m swimming in. Keep the good information coming. Thank you everyone
Happy to hear that. You'll only get straight talk here. Not the doom and gloom prevalent elsewhere.
Good luck with Roehl!
You all are the pool of wisdom, that @ the moment I’m swimming in. Keep the good information coming. Thank you everyone
Happy to hear that. You'll only get straight talk here. Not the doom and gloom prevalent elsewhere.
Good luck with Roehl!
The only thing I’m can’t find information on is that crt physical testing. I work as unloader at the moment, so that’s a physical hard job, unloading trucks by hand. I did physicals before but never with a machine, so any information would be appreciated. The last physical was 3 month back and I had to lift up to 100Pounds, I think that was the more heavy stuff besides the push and pulling tests. Is the crt machine any different, or does someone her that did the test for rhoel know any details?
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This Forum is amazing. So much information and advice. So I am 33 and made the decision, that I want to be a Trucker. My situation is I went from a good paying job, to a job that I am never sure how to pay bills. And I been searching since September for something better but nothing. That’s way I started looking into a new career, I always loved trucks so I was leaning in the direction. Back in September when I was still unemployed i put in a application with Cr England, without any knowledge at all. They called me for a phone interview on my way to a Job interview, i explained and he told me that he’s gonna call again the next day. Never happened and then I found this new job. I’m unhappy because I want to provide for my family, and I want to know that I have a job where I can find something else if needed. So the trucking came back to mind, and this time I wanted to be sure. So I watched a lot of videos, and was reading everything that answered my interest. Then I talked with my wife explained her what I wanted to do, and waited for her “no way”. She listened to every one of my thoughts and then to my surprise said “It will be hard but we can do this, if you think that’s a job that would make u happy” So I started company research more into detail, because I needed a company that did want money from me and paid me for training. After long research I learned my first lesson, I call it the “50/50 lesson”. For every positive review of a company you find one negative one, besides Swift somehow all other companies are not in liking with them. My decision came to Roehl and I got the process running, I hope that the response is just slow because we have almost Christmas, because that’s my most concern with them so far. I talked with a recruiter after trying to reach him for a few days. We set up a phone interview, he told me all he needs is a accident report from a no fault incident I have on my record. He asked if I have a passport and I told him I’m not sure, because of the date but will let him know. So after the interview I got the accident report and my passport and tried to reach him, no chance so I send everything to his email and called a few times. 3 days later I finally got a email that they are looking into the accident report and then we can go on. So far I’m nervous, happy and hope that everything will go forward after the holidays.