A picture says a thousand words. This one says, "My day is f****d!"
But.... That's only four? And that sucks man, took me a minute to see it was like what's wrong? I don't see... oooohhhhhh....
If it's just a shredded belt they should be able to get you rolling again pretty quickly. If something seized causing the belt to shred, that's not so good.
If it's just a shredded belt they should be able to get you rolling again pretty quickly. If something seized causing the belt to shred, that's not so good.
Only thing I know is that I'm getting towed from the P+G DC in West Branch IA to Cedar Rapids and getting put up in a hotel for the night.
Just before I got here, check engine light came on with a diagnostc warning of a water pump issue. I'm no mechanic, but I can probably guess it's unrelated. But at least I can have them look at that as well.
I'm no mechanic, but I can probably guess it's unrelated.
Actually the water pump might have locked up or the bearing went out and it started wobbling, shredding the belt in the process.
Hey, enjoy your night relaxing in a hotel. Could be worse, right?
I'm no mechanic, but I can probably guess it's unrelated.
Actually the water pump might have locked up or the bearing went out and it started wobbling, shredding the belt in the process.
Hey, enjoy your night relaxing in a hotel. Could be worse, right?
Well considering I've been stuck here on the customers lot since 1100 (it's now almost 1600), the outside temp is about 5 degrees, truck batteries are about dead due to the extreme cold, and I'm blocking a good 4 trailers and maybe 2 other open drop spots....
At least my bunk heater works and I have hot coffee in my thermos.
I'm thinking the same as Brett, the busted belt was linked to that water pump fault. The water pump is mechanically driven via that belt. If it's really a worn pump, it may have locked itself up, then the belt destroyed itself. Enjoy the warm hotel.
One caused the issue with the other. I don't have experience with large diesel engines but, definitely related. Like the others said, the pump could have seized and caused the problem with the belt or the belt not turning the pump could have thrown the pump warning light. If you're lucky it's something as stupid as the tensioner.
Best of luck to you and by all means stay warm.
Got an update from the shop, they said it could POSSIBLY be done tonight, but more than likely tomorrow. So I'm stuck in the hotel for another day. Frustrating, but at least I have a nice place to stay.
they said it could POSSIBLY be done tonight, but more than likely tomorrow. So I'm stuck in the hotel for another day. Frustrating, but at least I have a nice place to stay.
UHC, I've found that you'll see a marked difference in the way truck drivers react to things like this. I've learned to make the best out of the never ending changes to my plans. There are so many variables to success at this career, and it seems like we never have things go according to our best laid plans. You'll see some guys that just get all bent out of shape everytime they hit a snag, and then you'll find some drivers who never seem to let these things bother them.
Your ability to easily shift from plan A to plan B or maybe even C or D, will make your life much less frustrating and stressful on the road. If I get stuck in a hotel for a few days I'll find something interesting to do for that time. Dwelling on the problems or the frustrations never eases the frustration of them but usually intensifies the frustration.
To be Zen like in these situations is a practiced discipline, but it comes easier once you commit to practicing such things. My experience has been that it makes life on the road much more enjoyable.
We've all heard long time drivers trying to convince their friends or relatives to never become a truck driver, even after they've spent their whole career on the road. Those are the guys who never allowed themselves to enjoy this lifestyle, and I think they squandered a great opportunity.
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A picture says a thousand words. This one says, "My day is f****d!"