Switching Flatbed To Reefer

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USMC AAV's Comment
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So As I get older I realize that I don't want to do flatbed anymore. Anyone know of some good reefer companies (dedicated) that are hiring right now. I live in North Carolina and I'd like to get home every two weeks if possible (I don't want to upset the wife anymore then I have to)


A refrigerated trailer.

Calkansan's Comment
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G & P does dry van. Not sure about reefer. Mostly southeast and some Texas. Check out YouTube, Trucker Jim and Red Viking Trucker channels. They drive for G&P. Seems like they are home every weekend. Hope this helps.

Dry Van:

A trailer or truck that that requires no special attention, such as refrigeration, that hauls regular palletted, boxed, or floor-loaded freight. The most common type of trailer in trucking.


A refrigerated trailer.

MC1371's Comment
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Top 25 last year Top 25 refrigerated carriers

USMC AAV's Comment
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Good Info thank you. I actually narrowing down my options and doing a lot of homework in trying to pick where I want to go next.


Operating While Intoxicated

Ryan Baccus's Comment
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I live near Fayetteville NC I know Steven Transport got dedicated routes they're in Fayetteville & definitely CR England they have a contract with Smithfield Foods, they have a company right beside the cold storage in Tar Heel NC.

Dedicated Route:

A driver or carrier who transports cargo between regular, prescribed routes. Normally it means a driver will be dedicated to working for one particular customer like Walmart or Home Depot and they will only haul freight for that customer. You'll often hear drivers say something like, "I'm on the Walmart dedicated account."

PackRat's Comment
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Shaffer Roehl

Deleted Account's Comment
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I live near Fayetteville NC I know Steven Transport got dedicated routes they're in Fayetteville & definitely CR England they have a contract with Smithfield Foods, they have a company right beside the cold storage in Tar Heel NC.

Isn't CR England all team though? I vaguely remember a driver for CR England here saying that they were (for the most part) doing away with traditional OTR and switching to more regional , if the load is going across the country it'd be T-called multiple times. Wish I could remember who had posted about that.....sorry to get kinda off-topic

Dedicated Route:

A driver or carrier who transports cargo between regular, prescribed routes. Normally it means a driver will be dedicated to working for one particular customer like Walmart or Home Depot and they will only haul freight for that customer. You'll often hear drivers say something like, "I'm on the Walmart dedicated account."


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

USMC AAV's Comment
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I've done some research into England, shaffer Roehl and Stevens. I have read through most of their web pages and also went through some independent sources as well. CR England is everywhere in North Carolina, but I can't get any definite answer to a pay scale is is quite annoying. A buddy of mine that I went through school with drove for Stevens for year and he loved them but that was years ago. Shaffer as I have read does a lot of NE regional.

Still narrowing the options but I do appreciate the feed back from everyone.


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.


Operating While Intoxicated

C T.'s Comment
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You could always look into Maverick. Not sure how far you are from Laurinburg but we have a yard there. There's glass, flatbed and reefer available. We have regional home on weekends and otr. I believe reefer is out 2 weeks.


Regional Route

Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


A refrigerated trailer.

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