Count your blessings first world recipient of luxury and scientific advancement! You have to look forward to increased mental acuity, energy, stamina, quicker healing, better mood, better decisions, enthusiasm, and weight loss, if u can handle it. It's training you to breathe right, deeply into your belly. You can anticipate waking refreshed, with less sleep, and recover quicker without fatigue. You may not realize it yet, but you've been operating below your full potential till now because you were effectively suffocating on your carbon dioxide and toxins as they were being sequestered in your lungs and reabsorbed, because of subpar lung function. No more snoring, alarming breath pauses. Partners will be pleased, no more being sent to couch, and you'll be able to share a longer life together in health.
Paradoxically, you might feel exhausted for the first few days day as you learn to inhale deeply after a lifetime of incorrect breathing. If you have an in mouth-mouthpiece, it may chafe at your gums. There are different masks to try. Read the manual, know your machine, you lucky dawg. One you get the oxygen you've been starving for, you may wonder what your performance could have been if you had been treated sooner. It's like your own personal hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Once it retrains your breathing, you may go off the machine for awhile. Maybe not, you'll have to find out. read up on it. You'll be fine. Count your blessings!
Count your blessings first world recipient of luxury and scientific advancement! You have to look forward to increased mental acuity, energy, stamina, quicker healing, better mood, better decisions, enthusiasm, and weight loss, if u can handle it. It's training you to breathe right, deeply into your belly. You can anticipate waking refreshed, with less sleep, and recover quicker without fatigue. You may not realize it yet, but you've been operating below your full potential till now because you were effectively suffocating on your carbon dioxide and toxins as they were being sequestered in your lungs and reabsorbed, because of subpar lung function. No more snoring, alarming breath pauses. Partners will be pleased, no more being sent to couch, and you'll be able to share a longer life together in health.
Paradoxically, you might feel exhausted for the first few days day as you learn to inhale deeply after a lifetime of incorrect breathing. If you have an in mouth-mouthpiece, it may chafe at your gums. There are different masks to try. Read the manual, know your machine, you lucky dawg. One you get the oxygen you've been starving for, you may wonder what your performance could have been if you had been treated sooner. It's like your own personal hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Once it retrains your breathing, you may go off the machine for awhile. Maybe not, you'll have to find out. read up on it. You'll be fine. Count your blessings!
Awesome! I'm pretty stoked about it, really.
Awesome! I'm pretty stoked about it, really.
It's a good thing, like braces! You're off to the races!
Thought I'd provide a quick update. Still just waiting to start, but I'm loving the CPAP machine. I'm waking up refreshed and earlier than usual. It's really balancing out my sleep patterns.
I leave on the 10th for St. Louis. I'll fly in, rent a car and drive to Sullivan, Mo for the night. I'll get up on Sunday and head to Campus Inn in Springfield. Orientation starts at 7am Monday morning.
It's getting real, y'all.
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.
My grandfather's CB handle was 'Nighthawk'. Made me think of this song, which is perfectly fitting for my situation. Call me Nighthawk.
This is the nickname people use on the CB
I just finished my last day at my job. One step closer....
Congratulations! Scary but exciting, too?
Congratulations! Scary but exciting, too?
Yep, emphasis on the exciting part!
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I go tomorrow to get my CPAP. I also found out that Prime will take me after 20 days of compliance, rather than 30. This means I can start sooner than I thought! I put in my official 3 week notice at work today. I'll be starting Orientation on March 12th. I'm right behind you, Reyn!
Constant Positive Airway Pressure
CPAP is a breathing assist device which is worn over the mouth or nose. It provides nighttime relief for individuals who suffer from Sleep Apnea.