Hey Curt that's awesome man. Congratulations! Now the fun begins!
Thanks Turtle. After a stressful night last night, I will sleep well tonight. 😊
YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Nice job Curt!
I still remember that great feeling one gets when they realize they just got through one of the big hoops of getting their trucking career started. Kind of makes you wanna dance.
It's about to get real, so buckle up and hang on tight. The start of this career is the toughest part. Count on a long and steep learning curve just ahead.
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Hey all I just wanted to share the good news with everyone. I took and passed my CDL Class A road test today. I am now a truck driver. I have found a lot of support from many of you on this forum so a shoutout to truckingtruth. Thanks for all the advice and encouragement. 😊 Needless to say I am ecstatic today.
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: